Sun in the Sky

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(A/n: What if Skylar and Alexander left the factory?)


Skylar was fast asleep in bed, snuggled into the covers and pillows. A quiet figure entered her room, slowly tip-toed to her curtains, then opened them, letting the sunshine in. "It's morning, my sky, time for breakfast." Alexander went to his sleeping child, pulling her from the covers of her bed and into his arms.

Skylar whined her brown hair, a curly mess. "I don't wanna get up, Papa. I wanna sleep in, " she pouted her eyes still closed. Alexander chuckled. "I know, Skylar, but you have to get ready for preschool," Skylar only pouted more, making Alexander giggle. "And here I thought you wanted to go to the book fair today -" that woke up Skylar.

"BOOK FAIR!" Skylar said excitedly, opening her green eyes. Alexander smiled, kissing her on the head. "There's my sky," she giggled as Alexander left her room and went downstairs so they could have breakfast.

As Skylar ate breakfast, Alexander looked through the newspaper a tea cup in his left hand while holding the paper with the right. He scoffed seeing the Playtime Factory in the paper once again it was about the money and legal troubles it was in, but he could care less.

Alexander Helios left the factory after he officially adopted Skylar. Leith Pierre had been determined to make him stay, but he quit once the adoption papers went through, and Skylar was officially his child. He didn't know why Pierre was determined to get him to stay, but something in his gut told him he dodged a bullet.

His thoughts were interrupted when Skylar hiccuped after drinking her orange juice. Alexander smiled and took her empty plate and cup, putting them in the sink "Alright sky go get dressed, and we'll go." Skylar nodded and quickly rushed upstairs to get dressed while Alexander cleaned her dirty dishes.

She was everything he needed in his life, but life had other plans to complete this family.


Skylar loved the book fair she never got to read very often in the Playcare. She would often be pulled away into the Gamestation or the School, leaving her little time to read. Now she could read all the books she wanted her personal favorite were books about stars and planets.

As she and Alexander looked at the books on the shelves, ready to be bought. A certain book caught Skylars eye she let go of Alexander's hand and grabbed the book that had a picture of the stars on it. Skylar turned to where sge last saw Alexander going to ask if she could have the book only to see he wasn't there.

Skylar looked around the library for her father. "Papa? Papa?" She called but saw him nowhere. Soon, she burst into tears sitting on the ground while clutching the book. She was all alone again. But not for long.

(Y/n) was looking at the books when they saw the crying child. Immediately, they went to the child's side "hey hey don't cry it's ok!" They tried to comfort the girl, but nothing seemed to calm her down. They noticed the book she was holding and got an ideas "You like stars? Me too, my favorite constellation is Sagittarius, " which seemed to catch the girls attention.

"C-constellations?" Skylar sniffled, looking up at the stranger."Ya wanna know more about them?" Skylar hesitantly nodded, wiping away her tears as the stranger told her about the different constellations taking the chance to pick her up and find her parents.

It took them some time getting through the crowds until they spotted a man who seemed to be frantically searching for something or someone. Skylar gasped and reached her arms out to the man. "Papa!" The man turned his head and rushed over,"Skylar!" Alexander took Skylar into his arms, holding her close."What have I told you about wandering off? Someone could've taken you or worse! You have to tell Papa where you're going. " Skylar buried her face into his shoulder, sniffling a bit."I'm sorry, Papa.." Alexander sighed, just relieved Skylar was ok."It's ok, sky. I'm not mad. " He looked at (Y/n) who was watching the small reunion.

"Thank you for finding my daughter," (Y/n) smiled at the two. "It was nothing. I handle kids all the time, so it didn't take me long to calm her down. " Alexander nodded and shook (Y/n)'s hand."I'm Alexander Helios" (Y/n) shook his hand back. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)" Skylar looked at (Y/n) before hiding her face shyly from view "And this is my daughter Skylar she's a little shy when meeting new people" (Y/n) chuckled "It's ok it can be nerve wracking meeting new people" (Y/n) said with a smile. These two were just so cute

"Say would you like to have some tea with us? I'm sure Skylar would like to get to know you, " Alexander said, smiling at (Y/n) who blushed."O-Oh sure! Of course, that would be lovely." (Y/n) tried to cover their stutter, and Alexander nodded."Alright then,"

The three left the library after Alexander bought the book Skylar had.


(Y/n) watched Skylar playing in the garden with her new Dogday plushie (Y/n) made for her. Skylar was now seven years old and was growing up healthy living life to the fullest. Alexander walked out holding two cups of tea and sitting next to (Y/n), giving them the cup before wrapping an arm around their shoulders.

(Y/n) snuggled against Alexander as they both watched Skylar. Both wore silver wedding rings, having been married for over a year, and they couldn't be happier. "Do you think she'll have a boyfriend?" (Y/n) teased, and Alexander nearly spat out his tea."Heavens no! Never! I won't let some boy take my little girl away" (Y/n) laughed at the reaction."She isn't going to be little forever, you know," Alexander sighed before looking at his daughter with a smile.

"I know, but for now, I want to hold onto her for a little longer."

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