Chapter 13

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(Not shipping (1160; Boxy Boo) with Marie (Mommy Long) btw- 😭... Maybe..?)

As (1160) quickly hugged Marie to keep her calm, Theodore sighed in relief. "HOLY COW WE COULD OF BEEN LEFT BEHIND!" (1170) agreed. "You're sure right Theodore.." Marie shooked her head as she held tight on (1160)'s arms. "Oh guys.. of course they wouldn't leave us behind! That's part of there rules, I read it on a wall heh.." Marie quickly got off (1160)'s arms anf went up to the others. "Are you guys actually alright..?" "Yea I guess." Theodore said as he sat down on one of the seats next to another boy. "I, I guess I'm alright as well. Thanks for asking.." (1170) said as he patted Marie's Shoulder. "Oh it's nothing, I just really think you guys are actual family to me-" Just as Marie was gonna say something else, she was cutted off by the sounds of a Vhs. The tv played something; showing Elliot Ludwig's face, his eyes were for whatever reason covered... "Hello! My name is Elliot Ludwig. When you look around at the world today, whats one thing do you think it needs more of..?" The friends slowly looked at eachother and really did questioned that question. What truly do they want? Money? A life? Toys? Family..? "I asked around once. Money, I never have enough. Understanding, I can never get any.. Faith, the common man lost it... Each answer was different, and I can perhaps see some little truth in each." They all were surprised by how calm and how quick stayed his words were. They leaned in closer to hear his words through the static speaker. "But I think each was also missing something... something simple. You see, not one of them could muster a, smile.." they looked at each other. They realized they really didn't need money, or family, or toys. They really just needed to hold eachothers hands and smile.. they did as so, they slowly hold onto eachothers hands. "A smile is hope, a smile is love, a smile is understanding... And there's nothing more gratifying to my soul then being the reason for a child's smile-" they slowly looked out the window. They squeezed each other's heads just to see the view. They didn't say a word to eachother, there excitement was extraordinary. There eyes sparkled as they waited, they went through the red smoke through the huge hole... They slowly opened their eyes and they gasped in surprise. It was.. "PLAYCARE! Our very own onsite orphanage, but it's not only that.." they all looked at the buildings, some small and larger than others.. the huge statue in the middle showed 8 different animals. Theodore especially liked the purple cat. "It's a school! A playhouse, a place to belong. Our very own ecosystem beneath the surface.." Marie put her Mommy toy on the window and the sparkles on her eyes shined and shined. "Oh my goodness gracious! It's-i-its like heaven!" Theodore was shocked, he did not expect this.. "oh my god.." (1160) felt the most inside from the 4, he felt a part of this. He felt safe, loved. He was already loved but he felt more special now.. "I.. I don't know what to say.." Elliot Ludwig countinued. "-may Playcare bring joy, inspiration, and smiles to all who enter these doors! For what gives life meaning, without a smile.." The speech ended with a static on the screen. The doors opened, all the kids scurried out the ride and all were just admiring everything, everything was beautiful and it was just- they couldn't explain it. As all the other kids ran off to play. The four stayed behind, they all stood on the stairs steps, Marie placed her hand on the fence and the sounds of a soft jazz and violin played in her head as she looked around with the others. "...oh my.. i-" she started breathing a little quickly as she moved her hair behind her ear. "He-hey! A-are you alright Marie?!" (1160) quickly went up to Marie and placed his hand behind her back. "I-I.. haha.. I'm fine, it's just.. oh my goodness. I don't know what to say guys.." Theodore and (1170) went up to the two slowly. For once Theodore felt something then just being a little jerk. "Indeed Marie. We all do.." he quickly placed a hand behind her back, placing it on top of (1160)'s hand. "It's a miracle... A blessing, a wish. A miracle I will never forget.." (1170) said, instead of him placing a hand behind her back like the others. He hugged them tightly again once more for the day. "I love you guys so much..!" They all hugged eachother. "We do as well.."

"We will never forget this moment right y'all?"


A tear slowly falls down CatNaps cheek as he slowly rubbed the picture with his finger.. he was sitting on the floor, crossing his legs while Boxy stuffed himself in his box, he peeked his head out as his handle slowly turned making a soft music tune.. "I.. I never knew you would actually stay and listen, the others would run away or get scared from my appearance.." CatNap looked at Boxy Boo as he rubbed his own face. "...I get you Boxy.. the other critters think I'm scary or weird. I'm just like them.. it's just my creepy appearance." CatNap looked away with his cheek a bit puffed up as he slowly lowered his ears. "Do. Do you think I'm scary..?" Boxy gave a worried but happy smile. "Oh CatNap!" He said as he sprung out his springy arms and wrapped him around himself. Once more... "You are one of my best friends when we just met! I would never judge you by your appearance! Only by actions of course.." he wiped off CatNaps tear as he looked up at his face. "R-really?" Boxy nodded as he closed his eyes and gave a smile showing his teeth. "I know this is cliche, Theodore but. You never judge a book by it's cover.." CatNap looked down at himself and sighed. "but.. how do I change myself- I want to be just as popular and nice and beautiful like CraftyCorn. It's not fair I'm given such-" boxy Boo placed a finger on his lips and shushed him. "Shhh.. now, you don't have to change ANYTHING at all! Your perfect the way you are.. show them what you love and know. Maybe they can change there mind a bit, besides." Boxy Boo chuckled as he looked around and gave a fake smirk. "I think your my favorite, heh. Don't tell anyone." CatNap laughed along. "Haha! I won't. Thank you.." "anytime old friend." As CatNap was gonna get up, he paused and said something. "I-i-i.. don't you want to be alone. Don't you want to meet the others..?" Boxy gave a slight frown. "...I would love to but, I will have to stay here. My work is very important and I don't want to leave." CatNap stood up and frowned back. "...maybe one day you can come to Playcare. I actually never knew you existed in the first place. You can meet the others!" Boxy Boo slowly tooked out his head out the box. "O-of course CatNap! Id love to go to Playcare. Maybe I can just have one day. But not today.." CatNap opened up his bag and tooked out the plate of pancakes. "I. I got you some pancakes. Hopefully you like them, Seya later. I hope we can meet again sometime old friend!" He said as he slid down the plate to Boxy Boo and walked slowly to the stairs, giving off a little wave. Boxy Boo smiled at the pancakes and back at CatNap. "You two CatNap! Don't let anyone else tell you who you really are! Go Theodore!" CatNap went up a few steps and dragged his hand across the fence. "OH CATNAP!" CatNap stopped at his steps. "Yes?" Boxy Boo gave a small blush and looked away, he rubbed the back of his head. "Tell uh, Marie. That I uh.. used to like her. Heh.. never got to really say it to her. Before well, we got turned into this" Boxy Boo gave a playful roll eye. CatNap was surprised by that, he did remember that Marie used to be Mommy. So.. he probably should tell her one day. "O-of course!" CatNap said as he slowly placed his hand on the door knob. "...goodbye." he gave a sad and worried look at Boxy. "..." Boxy slowly opened his mouth.


"Just forget about the past and run into the sunshine! You and me.."

CatNaps eyes slowly widened as he slowly opened his mouth to, this weird energy just suddenly appeared inside of him..

"And you and they!"

"Live the life we always wanted, now it's the life we wanted!"

They all held eachothers hands as they walked down the steps, they smiled as they all looked at eachother. One by one they sang. "Just forget about the past.. and leave the shadows by itself.."

"You and me... You and they..."

"We will always hold eachothers hands, like it's never gonna end.."

"You and me... You and they.."




☀️Sunset Shining in You...🌙 - DogDay X CatNap (Updated Frequently)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя