Chapter 14

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I deeply apologize for the absolute trainwreck you're about to read. I'm well aware it's cringe, I can't write smut very well 🫶🏼

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✮ 𝙊𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙖 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙤 ✮

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"Why nooot"

"I said no."


"We are not listening to whatever the fuck that was."

In my defence, squidward nose isn't thaaat bad of a song.


We had only been in the car for three hours, and already were fighting over music.

"Put something normal on."

"What do you mean by normal"

"Something that isn't...that." Ethan scrunched his nose, putting emphasis on his last word.

"You're such a baby."

"It's called taste, darling."

"Oh shut up"

"Make me."

"You're an ass."

"You keep telling yourself that."

I rolled my eyes, smiling. We hadn't made it into the next state yet but so far so good.

Ethan was driving while my feet were up on the dash, my hands making bracelets, and every so often changing the music.

Ethan's hand was resting on my thigh, squeezing every so often.

"Trying to make me aroused Warner?"

He looked over at me with a bored expression "I'm just touching your leg Kishimoto. Calm down."

"Y'know I can do the same to you." I placed my hand up his leg a couple inches away from his groin

"Whacha doing there Darling?" I could practically feel the air change from light to tense.

"Weeeeelll" Toying with Ethan is one of my favorite hobbies. "I was just wondering if you wanted blue or yellow as your base color?" I squeezed his thigh, then slowly brought my hand back to my lap.

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