Big Steps & House Warmings

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"Why don't you just move your stuff over to my place?" Mili said as she carefully steered the car.

Apparently, she had decided to get a new C-Class Mercedes over our break.

I leaned back in the leather seat with an amused smile, "We've been over this," I reminded her.

Mili briefly glanced to me, "Not exactly—we never really talked about it," she pointed out as she drove down the busy streets of downtown LA.

And she technically made a good point, she had offered for me to live at her place, but I told her it was fine.

Ever since I've been living between places for the past couple of weeks.

"I don't know, you don't think it's too soon?" I asked, knowing that even if I was only staying at her place it still felt like an intimidating step.

Mili tilted her head as she pulled into the parking garage, "Too soon?" she repeated back to me, wanting more clarification.

I pursed my lips in thought as I watched her enter a code to the parking garage before driving through.

"Yeah... I mean I would basically be living with you—and then what happens when the new semester starts?" I said, knowing that it would be a hard adjustment living back at Mya and I's apartment.

We really only had a little over a week until Cairo... we could make that work.

I carefully watched Mili, clearly waiting for her response as she reversed back into one of the parking spots.

"I want to be really clear when I say this," she suddenly said, putting the car into park.

And as she turned to give me her full attention, I managed to feel my face grow warm under her precise stare.

"When I say move your stuff over to my place, I mean move in—" Mili gently grabbed my chin to align our eyes, "This is me asking you to move in with me, Atiana," she clarified, clearly making sure I understood what she was previously referring to.

I blinked a few times, suddenly feeling entirely speechless by her straightforward question.

So this wouldn't be temporary—we would actually be living together.

And that's...

That's a really big step.

Mili suddenly let go of my chin, "How about we table this topic for later?" she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

I nodded wordlessly, "Yeah—" I cleared my throat as I unbuckled my own seatbelt, "Yeah that sounds good," I whispered as I went to get out of the car.

However, before I could fully slide out of the car, Mili gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to her for a kiss—which I didn't hesitate to reciprocate.

"No pressure. Just think about it, okay?" Mili said as we pulled back from the brief kiss.

I nodded a few times, feeling a slow smile grow on my lips, "Yeah, okay," I said, pressing another brief kiss to her lips before we both slid out of the car.

Just like that, we were hand in hand walking towards the elevators—

And as soon as Mili clicked the highest floor, I felt my anxiousness quickly grow, suddenly snapping back into where we were going.

"Ati, they're going to love you. Trust me," Mili instinctively said, clearly noticing how on edge I was.

I let out a long sigh, hoping to calm myself down, "And what if they don't? Will that change anything?" I said, and I knew the question was farfetched, but I wanted to make sure this didn't make or break anything.

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