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His voice rasped and vibrated through my every fiber deep in the skin. The forest green eyes were getting darker with rage every passing second. He was looking like a gentle breeze even in that fuming anger but the breeze was immensely cold that could seep into your bones and shatter them in an instant.

“Let me go…Please.” I was shivering badly when his hands got tightly wrapped around my waist as I was straddling his lap with my chest flushing against his. For the sake of decency, I placed my palm against his hard-rock chest even in tat flushed situation of mine but that was a mistake. He growled as if trying to control his anger.

Removing my hands from his chest with a jerk he threw at the backside of the car. I didn’t even realize that our car was standing in the middle of nowhere. It was night and no other car could be seen.

I was trembling when he cursed under his breath and got out of the car. With every passing second my fear was rising turning into anxiety. I thought I would die any moment with that immense accelerated heartbeat and fear that was crawling upwards on my skin.

“Did you ever stop him when he was touching you?” He asked after he opened the back door. I wanted to run from there but my senses got paralyzed as I crawled back and flushed my back at the car’s door.

His coat was thrown away already as the few buttons of his shirt were opened giving him a menacing look. He was mad with anger and I was trembling with fear. Everything was good and smooth before the mention of Jameel. I just wanted him to forget about him as he was long dead. He had nothing to do with our lives now. He could have leave me after his dearth but he didn’t as if he had bought me for the entire life. He never wanted me as it seemed like he married me and took me with him just for fun as he wanted to punish Jameel but little did he know he actually satisfied him. Jameel could start his life with Beela leaving me with this devil who just wanted to punish me because a man had touched me before. He didn’t have the right to so though. That was supposed to be my past and he didn’t have anything to do with but again I was his slave and he could toy with me in any way that could please him.

Sometimes I thought that there wasn’t any law in this country to save me from the brutality of my aunt, accusations of Jameel and him and his anger.

“Let me go…please…I will never come in front of you…” I said as I assumed my presence made him like that; furious and hatred filled his eyes. “I am sorry what Jameel did. He shouldn’t have betrayed you like that.” I said as I was trying my best to sink into the car door but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down earning a sharp scream from me.

“You are sorry for what?” He asked again as he was so close that my nose was slightly grazing his small pointed one. His hands were around my waist as the other was placed at the headrest so that he could steady his bulky frame.

“For what Jameel did to you.” I tried not to blabber and cry when my words come out as I succeeded with fear rushing down my core.

“For what he did to me?” He raised an eyebrow as his woodsy cologne engulfed me in his soothing aura. I could even with hat cologne invading my senses if he ever got gentler me with whenever he was around.

I weakly shook my head as my chin started wobbling with my lower lip trembling. I didn’t want to cry as I never wanted unless there was someone who could understand me and engulf me in his embrace taking in all my bad memories after my mother died. But for that he needed the heart and he didn’t have any. Even if he did it was just for the purpose of pumping blood and nothing more. Sometimes I hate science for making everything so realistic and dry while making everything sound robotic and emotionless.

“If you think his betrayal affects me then you are wrong. It didn’t even flick a hair in my body. He was useless in every way.” His eyes grazed the area of chin wobbling.

“Then why are you doing this to me?” I couldn’t help but ask. I shouldn’t be here at the first place after what Jameel did to him.

“Because he offered you to me and even after he sold you to me for his life you were looking at him with expectant eyes to save you from me. The moment you were leaving me with me your eyes were begging him to help you even when you were already mine.” He gripped my chin in between his thumb and forefinger making me look at him. His eyes still held the rage and hatred. “You were mine at that time but you still expected something from him. After I think what you use to do after sneaking out in night with him, I just want to burn that every part of yours where he had touched you.” He intake a sharp breath at the end as his words couldn’t even sink properly to fuel my fear when he took my mouth in his.

I thought his anger was subsiding but it appeared all again the moment his lips landed on mine. I fisted the collar of his shirt to push him away although I knew it would irk his nerves but he grabbed my wrist with his one hand and pinned them above my head making my chest to flash against his. My dubatta was misplaced long ago as I was lying helplessly underneath him.

He groaned as he traced his tongue at the seam of my lips making them shut tightly in a thin line followed by his low growl that sent a shiver to run down my spine while sparking every fiber of my body along its way.

His other hand found the hem of my shirt while tracing the curves of body as he inserted his hand inside my shirt making my back to arch into him but he still hadn’t left my mouth. I wanted to protest but a meowl sound erupted from the back of throat when he traced his hand against my skin ever so smoothly that his touch felt like silk grazing my body. His touch was supposed to be harsh but it didn’t feel like that to me at that time.

“Let me go...umm…” I opened my mouth to protest but his tongue found the route as he entered my mouth possessively like he owned every inch of me. I tried to push him away again but all in vain still I didn’t give up. I couldn’t let his touch roam around my body just because he wanted to punish me.

“I have never tasted anything sweeter than this.” He rasped as his eyes were closed when he groaned with those words making the tingles in my body to go haywire. His tongue stroked every part of my skin as he sucked my tongue as I fought that meowl sound urging to evaporate in the air.

“He didn’t even deserve to be near this sweetness and yet you let him.” His voice became harsh all of a sudden as he pinched the area beneath my breast while his teeth took my lower lip inside to bit on them. I yelped at the unfamiliar sensation that included something else with pain.

His touch became harsh as he became brutal stealing my way of oxygen. I started pushing him with all the force left in my body but my wrists were in his hold and my squirming beneath him weren’t doing any good.

Tears final rolled down my eyes as my vision started to get blurry and white dots started appearing with lack of oxygen. The moment I thought I wouldn’t take it anymore he left my mouth before he rested his forehead against mine.

He looked drowsy and tired as if his anger had subsided after marking me his. It was like the mentality of a typical men that he wanted to mark me as his. I wasn’t a thing that needed a barcode reader.

Silence again filled the car as the sounds of our shallow breaths soon subsided. Neither did he nor I moved from our position as I assumed we both were tired at that time. And in that intimate situation the most embarrassing thing happened to me as my stomach growled.

I was hungry.


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