Chapter 5: Broomstick

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The wooden stairs squeaked in protest as she ran down them. Things fell. Furniture moved. The sounds became clearer and clearer with each step she took. As did the muted screams. Kayla balled her fists.

She would not freeze. She would NOT freeze. This time. No. This time, she would fight. This time she would fight and—

The archway to the kitchen was within arms reach, she grabbed the wall, swiveled around— Her feet slid along the floor— And stopped.

"Gah! Gyaah! Gomph—Puuu."

It... What... The... Her mouth fell open, the growl on her lips abruptly cut off. She gawked. The screams had come from James— Her mouth closed, replaced by a wide disbelieving grin— That much was true— And then a laugh.

But she would never have imagined this.

Limbs flailed in the air. James's screams turned to splutters and puffs as some got in his mouth. Between all that, the words 'off', 'it', and 'get' alternated. Slam. Another chair tipped as he backed into it. And stumbled. One step, two. His hip hit the table. It screeched along the floor. James half-splayed onto it. Still. His arms moved. Patted. Swiped. Still, his mouth screamed.

Kayla had never seen anything so glorious.

Her eyes found Bunbun's across the room. For a brief second, she wondered if it had been his doing. Then she saw the awe in his eyes.

No, this was purely fate.

She watched in reverent glee as gray, semi-transparent, husks cascaded down James's body. More. With each new movement. He seemed certain they were alive. Or perhaps there truly were live ones among the dried-up carcasses. Regardless, it trumped all their pranks. Past, present, and likely, future. Nothing could beat this. Kayla laughed, loud and wholehearted.

It felt good. Lifted a weight she hadn't realized she carried, brought a lightness to her chest. To her breaths. Her laugh faded to a satisfied sigh. That was when she noticed the rest of the room.

The kitchen was an utter mess. Things were everywhere. She couldn't tell if it had been like that before, if it was the result of his search, or if he truly had managed to hit every, single, thing, in his mad scramble to get them off— Probably a combination of all— It would be a bit impressive if he had though.

She looked around. Tried to piece together how this came to be. And as she raked her eyes over the floor, she found the culprit. A tipped cardboard box. It laid beneath the fridge, as though it had fallen from above. A gray heap surrounded it. There was even a vague trail from it to James.

A wince. She almost felt bad for him, almost. But not enough to keep the corner of her lips from twitching. Perhaps snacks had been hidden there once, or food, for insects had certainly gathered over the years. And all that had come down on his head. The whole nest. Her eyes were drawn back to him as James got up. She watched him dance.

Tiny steps stopped at her side. Tara. She stood, the bot behind her, and watched, her eyes blown wide. Kayla had been so absorbed in what was happening in front of her, she hadn't heard them come down. She gnawed her lower lip, and her eyes moved between Tara and James. She should reprimand her for disobeying, for not hiding. It's what she should do.

She leaned over and whispered, "Karma."

Tara glanced up, surprised. Her eyes met Kaylas, she saw how the word gradually processed. And clicked. Tara's lips pressed down on a grin. She looked back down, and gave a sneaky nod.

Her reaction made Kayla grin.

The bot took in the scene in front of it, and turned around. Kayla didn't notice it had left until it was back and stepped forth with a newly acquired broomstick.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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