-hes... okay-

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Levi took y/n by the hand quickly dragging her through the headquarters gaining many stares from the troupe's. He dragged her into a room shutting the door close behind him. "Is this my room?" Levi threw his cape onto the sofa before speaking. "No, it's my room." "Then why am I here, I want to go to my room-" "listen here Kim.. even though I'm the captain, I wouldn't be allowed to recruit you without me speaking to commander Erwin, and having you do a three year training course-" "I don't need three years, I can fight" "and I know that. But everyone else doesn't. So.. as much as it pains me to say this" y/n cut him off in her impatient tone of voice. "Just spit it out will you!" "Your.. gonna have to pretend to be my girlfriend." "What?! Haha your joking! No way!" He places his hands on her shoulders, giving her his serious stare as always. "It's the only way you can stay here, I can train you on odm gear and learn you how to kill a titan.. and I'll pretend to Erwin that you already did the course. Got it?"

"He's not gonna believe that-" "so your saying if I train you plus your abilities to fight right now, he's not going to believe you did the course?" Y/n remained quiet. "Don't worry, you don't have to be around me, just stick close and act sweet around others, got it?" "Whatever.." "great!" Levi pats her on the shoulder and begins to walk to the bathroom. "I'm going for a shower, do as you please-" "no, I'm having a shower first." "No.. this is my room, I've been fighting titans all day I'm having a shower first!" "Fine I'm not your fake girlfriend anymore! Fuck you!" She spits out as she starts to walk towards the door. "FINE! ...okay fine. Take a shower and hurry up. You stink." Y/n smiles tauntingly. "Why thank you bae~" her smile dropped immediately back to being serious as she pushed past him to get into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. "Shes... something."


A little while later she opens the bathroom door a tiny bit and speaks through the small opening of the door. "I just remembered, I have no pyjamas " "sucks to be you?" Levi replied in his cold tone as he continues reading his book in bed. "Give me something" "I don't have anything belonging to a girl~" "don't taunt me Levi, I'll walk out naked." "Okay okay! D-don't do that.. erm.." Levi sprung up from the bed towards the wardrobe. (This girl is insane, and a fucking handful) "all I have are trousers and survey corps uniform.. or I have shirt and boxers... which would be a mile too big." "Just give me the shirt and pants and fuck off." "Okay, brat. Listen you gotta work on that attitude, y'know that?" She ripped the clothes out of his hands slamming the door shut once again.


Levi returned to his bed, moments later she walked out the bathroom. Her face he could've sworn was a little red. "I hate you" she spat out as she slid the sleeve of the shirt back up on her shoulder, which was clearly way too big for her. Levi didn't speak for a moment as he stared her up and down. He then spoke looking back at his book, covering his face with it in the process. "You look ridiculous" "well no shit! And I'm sleeping in that bed, so get out!" Levi wasn't having that. His bed was his most favourite thing in the world beside some tea but that's besides the point. He wasn't giving up his bed for some brat.

"Okay, little girl! That's where I draw the line! This is MY bed, I'm helping you out enough! Your sleeping on the sofa-" "no I'm not, but you definitely can" she made her way to the bed sliding inside the sheets, covering her body with the blanket. "Oh no you don't" Levi ripped off the blanket, pinning her down onto the bed. "Sleep on the sofa" "no." "Sleep on the sofa!" "NO!" Levi stayed quiet for a few moments before sighing. "...please, sleep on the sofa." "No." "Gosh, your a bad little girl y'know that?!" "Stop calling me a little girl, I can't be much younger than you! I'm 18!" "Oh yeah? Well I'm 28.. so do as your told." "It wouldn't make a difference if you were 69! I said NO!" "Stubbornness isn't gonna get you anywhere!" "Bastard, your worse than me! I saw the way you talked to those two men today! They were scared of you!" "As they should be." Levi's stare was cold, burning into her now. "Get off me I'm asleep." "Y-your asleep? Haha your fucking ridiculous. Get up now." "No, I'm asleep.." she started to fake snore, her eyes now closed.

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡  || Levi x reader Where stories live. Discover now