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This chapter is a wee bit spicy.........hehehe. I DID PROMISE NO SMUT cause smut is weird and eh- not child friendly!

+*+grammer left us+*+

Catnap carrys me to the office which now looks like he made his room...... "Catnap WTF DO U THINK UR DOIN' " I exclaim loudly.

"What I should've done long ago" he says sternly. "MAY I ASK WHAT THAT IS?!" I reply.

suddenly I've been pinned to the wall by both of catnaps arms. 0-0

Catnaps POV:

I am going to enjoy this very much >:)

I lean very closly to dogdays face making him so flustered its funny "I will ask for the second time do you want me?-baby~".I smirk while saying 

Dogdays POV:

I can feel catnaps warm breath against my ear as he leans closer and closer and his hand slowly going to a place its not suppose to be. 


"so is that a yes or a no?" catnap says

"maybe,jus-- listen I dont know- give me some time to think." I reply

"whatever you say sunny" he replies.

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