(18) A Demon Manual

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At around midnight, Gu-won tiptoed inside the house. He let out a soft sigh as he collapsed onto the couch, completely unaware of my presence in the room.

I crept closer and leaned in, whispering softly against his ear, "So you finally came back."
Startled, he tumbled off the sofa.
"You're still up?" He asked.
"How could I go to bed when I didn't even know where you were?" I dramatically said.
He looked at me like a happy child, "Were you worried for me?"
"Humans worry even when their dogs don't come back home, although you wouldn't understand." I scoffed.
"Comparing me to a dog now?" He frowned.
"Since you're back now, I'm off to bed now."
"Hold on, I'd like to charge up."

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Gu-won and I found ourselves lying side by side on the bed. He held my wrist gently.
I turned to look at him, "Do you really think this will make your powers stop flickering?"
"We should try what we can." He replied.
"Could it be because you haven't made a new deal?"
"There are no signs of spontaneous combustion. I may have used up my powers while taking us around."
"We should be careful then."
"Don't mind me and go to sleep."
"I can't sleep with someone next to me, so go ahead and sleep yourself."
"Demons don't need sleep."
"Then I guess we're staying up all night." I murmured.

However, we both drifted off to sleep very soon.

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The sunlight filtered into my room, I blinked my eyes open and saw Gu-won lay beside me, for a moment, I couldn't stop looking at him, the way his hair fell gently on his forehead, the soft lines of his face. He must have sensed my gaze because his eyes fluttered open, meeting mine.

Suddenly Gu-won's phone rang, destroying the peaceful moment. He reached for it and answered it.
"What is it?"
"I put it on the shelf, Mr. Kim!"
"I'll look for it myself, just wait."

As he ended the call, a worried expression crossed his face.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"We need to go to Sunwol, it's urgent."
I got out of the bed, "I'll see you later then."
"What do you mean? You're going with me, Yeona."
I chuckled, "No, I can't take a day off, especially on Monday."
"It's urgent, you can go to the office for half a day. Please, you'll go with me right?" He pleaded.
I relented, "Okay."

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Gu-won had a frustrated look on his face as he searched through the shelves.
He muttered, "It's not there. Are you sure you didn't misplace it?"
"I haven't touched it since we read it together." Mr. Kim replied.
"You didn't go through my stuff, right?"
"I didn't."

My attention was caught by a book titled "History of Sunwol". I picked it up and began flipping through the pages. The black and white photographs of Gu-won representing different people from Jeong family, made me laugh a little.
He really has alot of selfs: Jeong II-won, Jeong I-won, Jeong Sam-won

"As in counting!?" I chuckled.
Gu-won snatched the book from my hands, "Everyone around me seems to have sticky fingers."
"I guess your next name will be Jeong Sip-won."
"I don't think so."
"But it is, Pal-won for eight, Gu-won for nine, Sip-won for ten."
He smiled humorlessly, "I'll never go with that name."
"Why not? I like it, it rolls off the tongue, Jeong sip-won."
"She has a point." Mr. Kim nodded in approval.

"Are we here to discuss my name?" Gu-won shot a glare at Mr. Kim.
"No." He instantly replied and pretended to search the bookshelf.
"I'll help you look for the book? What is it's title?" I asked.
"The title is simply, Demon. It's green and there's an eye like thing on the spine." Mr. Kim said.

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