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(Hellooo, everyone! Sorry for disappearing for a while, but I've been very busy with college work and have only just managed to get a bit of free time for chapters! I hope this one acts as a comeback for my time away! ❤️)

"So, how long have you guys been down here for?" (Y/N) asked, Crafty still nestled into her shoulder as Bobby explained what had happened over these past few years. Bobby pinched her brow between her fingers with a deep sigh. "That's the way it goes, (Y/N). You don't wanna bend to the will of The Prototype. You've got to hide. I think you've already seen what happens to heretics, right?"

(Y/N) wanted to clear the image of the creepy, needle thin hand out of her mind. She'd seen what happened to Catnap and Mommy Long Legs. Mommy was taken for who knows what, and Catnap was scratched and beaten inches away from his life. Whatever the Prototype was, it was pure evil.

"Life ain't been easy, (Y/N). We tried to help the staff escape but ya know, we can't exactly stop Catnap or save everyone. Or any other anyone under the influence of the Prototype. Dudes scary." Kickin grimaced at the thought of him, plopping down besides Bubba who wad tuned in to what Bobby was saying.

Bobby sat down opposite (Y/N) propping up her knee and draping her arm over it. "You really shouldn't of come back. I am very happy to see you, but I don't want your blood on my hands, (Y/N). When it's safe, I'm escorying you out of here." The red bear looked at her paw for a moment, before shaking her head and falling silent.

Bubba looked at Bobby sympathetically, nudging his friend with his foot. The pair exchanged a brief smile, before the elephant whispered to (Y/N). "She blames herself, (Y/N). Bobby doesn't want anyone else to die to this place, don't think of it as her being rude. She's looking out for you."

(Y/N) glanced over at Bobby, who was busy staring at the floor. Gently getting up from where she was sitting, she walked over to Bobby and kneeled between her bent legs, rasing her face to look at her. "Bobby." The bear looked up at her in surprise, not saying a word, leaning into the woman's touch.

"I made a promise to Dogday that I would get him out of here. You're his family, so I'm getting all of you out of here. That includes, Catnap." (Y/N) watched Bobby's expression change to anger, but it quickly dissipated when (Y/N) continued speaking. "The Prototype attacked him. I'm not sure why, but I can tell you, Catnap is on our side."

Bobby sighed softly. "Alright. I trust you, (Y/N)."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, a familiar voice on the other side. "Uh, hello? Anyone here?"
Kickin jumped to his feet, approaching the door cautiously. He knelt down and peered through the lock of the door, seeing orange fur on the other side. He gasped and opened the door, seeing Dogday.

"Dogday!" He hollered, immediately hugging the orange dog, clutching onto him tightly. "We thought you were dead, man! Don't ever scare us again!" Dogday was shocked his friends were alive, his eyes watering. He didn't say anything, only hugged Kickin tighter. Catnap stayed back with Kissy and Poppy, ashamed to look anyone in the eye.

"Is that Dogday?" Crafty asked quietly, sitting up and hobbling over to the door to greet him. She smiled up at him, patting him with her hoof. "It's so nice to see you again." The dog immediately hugged her, having to kneel down to hug her as she was the smallest of the group. She squeaked in surprise, but patted him back.

Bobby got up immediately, careful not to knock (Y/N) over.

As much as she was pleased to see Dogday, she caught a glimpse of Catnap, who immediately looked away. "You." She sneered, Catnap looking at her with his ears flattened against his head. "You've got a lot of nerve coming back here." She crossed her arms at him, but Catnap made no response, only lowering his head. "But, (Y/N) trusts you and I trust her judgement. Any sudden moves and you're dead. Got it?"

Catnap never remembered Bobby to be so stoic and blunt. It shocked him. "Yes ma'am."

Dogday spent time greeting his friends but his eyes landed on (Y/N), hurrying over to her. He picked her up and hugged her tightly to him. "Angel! Are you okay? You found everyone!" He was absolutely beaming, making (Y/N) giggle and smile. "More like they found me. How'd you find us so fast?"

"Well, Angel, Bobby left a hint on where to find you. She's clever." As he cradled (Y/N) in his arms, the sound of banging on the door inside the room startled him, Picky screaming again. "Is that..Picky!?" He was exasperated, stepping back from the door as he held (Y/N) tighter. She sounded like a wild, rabid beast when she screamed.

Bobby banged on the door again with her fist. "Picky, shut up! Screaming won't get you food!" The loud bangs of her fist practically shook the room. "Apologies, Dogday. Picky isn't in the right mind."

"No, no, it's fine. When did you get so strong? The Bobby I knew couldn't even lift a desk." Dogday joked, making Bobby chuckle. "When you're stuck here for 10 years, you get stronger." Bobby flexed her arm, showing off the muscle underneath her fur.

Dogday walked over to Bobby, poking her muscle with his finger. "Woah, super strong." He commented. (Y/N) ran her palm over Bobby's bicep, eyes widening. "Girl, what's your workout routine!? Do you lift houses for a living!?"

Bobby laughed at this joke, crossing her arms once they were done feeling her muscles. "I think houses are a bit too heavy."

"She can lift me! I'm heavy!" Kickin spoke, putting his hands on her shoulders and pushing himself up, kicking his feet with a chuckle. "We all got pretty jacked. Dogday, man, we gotta muscle you up! Your poor arms are so skinny! No offence!"

Dogday rolled his eyes playfully. "Definitely another time. Now, we're making a plan on how to get out of here, are you all coming?"

The critters all exchanged looks with a grin. "You really think we'd miss a chance to get out of here? What do you need us to do?" Bubba asked.

They were all going to get out of here, if it was the last thing they did.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗠 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡 // DOGDAY X READERWhere stories live. Discover now