Chapter 16

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Namjoon inquired, "What happened?" Taehyung reassured them, "Nothing serious, just her blood pressure dropping." Yoongi released me from the embrace and suggested, "Well, princess, you should go to your room and freshen up. Then let's have dinner together." I nodded silently and made my way to my room.


The inability to express your feelings.



As I entered my room, I couldn't shake off the heavy weight of my thoughts. After taking a shower and changing into fresh clothes, I found myself laying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

What I wore :

A whisper escaped my lips, barely audible even to myself, "Should I try again?" The question hung in the air, the weight of its implications pressing down on me

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A whisper escaped my lips, barely audible even to myself, "Should I try again?" The question hung in the air, the weight of its implications pressing down on me.

As I descended the stairs and joined my brothers for dinner, a bittersweet feeling settled over me. This could very well be the last dinner we share together, I thought to myself.

Watching them eat, joke, and tease each other, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider, a mere observer in their perfect world. Despite their efforts to include me in their banter, I remained quiet, feeling like an extra piece desperately trying to fit into their puzzle.

As I retreated to my room after dinner, anxiety gnawed at me relentlessly. The urge to kill myself overwhelmed me, but without the sedatives Seokjin had confiscated, I felt powerless.

Desperate for any form of relief, I impulsively opened my drawer and retrieved the blade, its glinting sharpness a grim reminder of past struggles and potential paths.

This was the second attempt that I was going to do. And was hoping to be successful this time.

As I poised the blade, ready to cut my wrist, Yoongi burst into the room, his eyes widening in horror at the scene before him. With swift determination, he took the blade away from me and, overcome with emotion, delivered a stinging slap across my face.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he pleaded with me, his voice cracking with anguish. "What were you doing?!" he cried, his words a desperate plea for understanding. "I can't bear to lose you too, princess."

His words pierced through the fog of my despair, and as he enveloped me in a tight embrace, his sobs echoing in the silence, I felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

I remained silent, feeling the weight of Yoongi's words pressing down on me like a boulder. 'Why did he have to come barging in, disrupting my plans? Couldn't he see that I was beyond saving?'

His tears, a mirror to my inner turmoil, made it even harder to bear. As he gently cupped my face, his touch felt like a lifeline amidst the storm raging within me. His plea for me to open up shattered the barriers I had erected around my heart, but the thought of exposing my raw, festering wounds terrified me.

"Princess," he implored, his voice choked with emotion, "Please, talk to me. Suicide isn't the only option. Your life is precious, and you're not alone in this. Lean on me, share your burdens. I'll be here for you, always." His words pierced through the darkness enveloping me, but the pain still gnawed at my soul, an ever-present reminder of my despair.

"Sorry," I whispered, my voice barely audible, as I turned away, unable to confront the depths of my anguish.

As I sat on the bed, a strange numbness engulfed me, rendering me incapable of shedding tears despite the tumult of emotions swirling inside me. Yoongi's concern was palpable, a silent plea for me to open up and seek help, but I couldn't bring myself to face the daunting prospect of therapy or medical intervention.

"Please," I murmured, my gaze fixed on a spot on the floor, "Don't get me a doctor or appoint a therapist. I'll manage." Yoongi's reassuring presence beside me offered a glimmer of solace as he gently replied, "Okay, but promise me you'll try to talk about it."

With a solemn nod, I agreed, my resolve faltering under the weight of his unwavering support. "I'll try," I whispered softly, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air. "I'll sleep now," I added, seeking refuge in the oblivion of slumber. Yoongi's parting words lingered in the air like a silent vow, a reminder of the love that bound us together even in the darkest of moments.

"Okay, but promise me you won't do anything like this again. I love you, princess," he said, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead before quietly leaving the room.

As I heard Yoongi's parting words echo in my mind, a bitter scoff escaped my lips, mingling with the tears that welled up in my eyes. The simple phrase, 'I love you, princess,' felt like a lifeline in the vast darkness that had consumed me.

Could it be possible that I had finally found someone who truly cared for me, someone who loved me unconditionally? The weight of that realization bore down on me as tears streamed down my cheeks, each droplet a testament to the tumult of emotions raging within me.

I rose from the bed, compelled to confront the reflection that stared back at me from the mirror. Through tear-blurred eyes, I beheld a visage wrought with pain and uncertainty, a silent witness to the internal struggle that threatened to consume me whole. With trembling hands, I reached out, as if seeking solace in the reflection of my own fractured self.

The battle to endure, to keep moving forward, raged on, each passing moment a testament to the resilience that lay buried beneath the surface. But as the tears continued to fall, I found solace in the knowledge that even in the darkest of moments, there existed a glimmer of hope, a flicker of light that refused to be extinguished.

Yoongi's words lingered in my mind, urging me to open up, but the thought of articulating the chaotic mess inside my head felt daunting.

'How could I possibly convey the intricate web of emotions and thoughts when I couldn't even make sense of them myself? '

It wasn't just a matter of finding the right words; it was about unraveling the complexities that seemed to entangle me at every turn.

Next morning ~

The night had slipped away in a haze of overthinking and staring at the ceiling, leaving me exhausted as the morning light filtered through the curtains. Dragging myself out of bed, I went through the motions of getting ready for the day ahead.

Dressed in my uniform and shouldering my bag, I made my way downstairs to find my brothers already gathered for breakfast.

With a quiet "Morning," I took my seat at the table, greeted by their responses as they focused on their meal. As they engaged in conversation, I absentmindedly scrolled through my phone, lost in my own thoughts.

Seokjin's gentle voice broke through my thoughts, pulling my attention back to the present. "Y/N, if there's anything troubling you, talk to us, okay?" His words hung in the air, and I responded with a quiet hum, my gaze shifting to Yoongi. It was evident from his expression that he had shared with them the events of the previous night.

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