~Chapter Fourteen: Blood Bag~ Monika's P.O.V.

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I awoke sprawled out on a bed that I would definitely not call comfortable. I wiped the drool from my bottom lip, and noticed my hand was covered in red warm liquid. I would have assumed it was blood, but it looked a bit darker than normal… Either way, the sight of it sickened me to the core. Both of my forearms were covered in it; as well as my torso. A young boy with large emerald eyes and soft fluffy black hair was staring up at me. His eyes were equally formal and polite as they were adorable. “Oh, hello there…”
He holds out his small hand for me to shake. “Hello Bloodbag. You will be staying with us for a while.”
“Oh- uh, alright then.. Nice to meet you. I’m Monika. And you are?”
“Onyx. I hope we can grow closer during your time here.” He says, in a surprisingly suspicious tone. I nod slowly, and have a bit of a worried expression. Two twin girls with cute black dresses with blue ribbons tied around their waists enter the room. They make eye contact with me, and their cat-like eyes stare into my soul. They grin, and approach me.
“I’m Lucy, and this is Annibelle! Come with us!” One of the girls chimes excitedly. They grab my hand, and pull me up with ease. The other, Annibelle, quickly maneuvered herself behind me, and grabbed my index finger. They begin to escort me outside of the room. There was a large streaking trail of the dark blood across the hall, leading into a different room, as well as down the staircase.
“Who was bleeding?...” I ask, looking down at the trail. They roll their eyes and sigh, not amused.
“It was the one who brought you here. Ren. But don’t tell them we took you over here, ok?” Annibelle says, gripping tighter onto my finger. I nod my head, and proceed down the hall with them. They lead me into a room full of small black coffins, closed tight.
“Let’s play a game.” Lucy whispers, as we stop in the entryway of the room. “If you can walk all the way across the room and back without waking the fletchlings, we’ll give you a prize.” They snicker quietly, and let go of me.
“It doesn’t seem like I really have a choice…” I say, looking back at them.
“That’s because you don’t!” Annabelle grins. “Knock on the door when you get back. And don’t you dare think about cheating! Otherwise we’ll have to play the punishment game.” She giggles again, and they shut the door behind me. Well this is just great. What the heck are these things?! I think, as I begin taking slow, quiet steps through the room.
After what seemed like forever, I finally reached the end of the room without any consequences. I sigh in relief, and start thinking. Maybe those girls were making it out to be a much harder task than it really is! I make my way down the walkway of the room, using a bit less caution. As I do so, a small coffin begins to shake. I stop in my tracks, and sit in silence. The coffin busts open, and a small, pale child with red eyes emerges from it. It hisses at me, and I scream.
The rest of them begin to shake and bust open as well, and they all hiss. They didn’t have any teeth other than two small canines and pale, pink little gums. They had small pointed ears, and looked as if they were dead.
They let out high pitched squeals, and latch themselves all over my body. One drills its teeth into my cheek, and I scream and throw it. I tried to tear them from my skin, but their small fangs were already deep inside me. I cry out in pain, and soon hear two heavy pairs of footsteps stomping through the hallway towards the room. Sin rips open the door, making it fling and swing into the wall. The long haired vampire that knocked me out and supposedly brought me here pushed in front of him, and rushed towards me.
Within a second or two, both of them were removing the small creatures from my flesh as quickly and as gently as they could as I wailed. I closed my eyes and wanted to lie down, but the deep incisions all over my body would hurt too bad to lay on.
After they were all off of me, Sin and the other vampire both repeatedly asked me if I was alright. I couldn’t answer; the pain was too much; I felt drained and all I wanted to do was scream. They quickly put the creatures into their designated coffins and closed them all, locking them up once more.
“GO TO BED! UGH!” Sin shouts while one was shaking and growling in their coffin. Once it stopped shaking and finally became silent in the room, Sin left the room. I was bleeding all over the floor, and the vampire with golden eyes began to breathe heavily. They were only in a towel… The white towel began to have a red blotch creeping over it on both sides of them.
“Are you alright?” I ask, at a surprisingly more controlled volume than I thought I was going to manage. I take a deep breath, and better my breathing. She nods slowly, and I watch as her pupils grow huge. They creep closer towards me, and they push me to the ground. I grunt and wince, falling onto the hard flooring.
“I’m sorry, please don’t cry.” She mutters, as she crouches, looking down at me. They swallow a mouthful of saliva. “You’re bleeding quite a bit… Let me help you…” She says, as she leans in close, and licks the blood from my cheek. Sin enters the room again with medical supplies and clothing.
“Alright, Ren, I got you some clothes that’ll hopefully work out for you and Monika I---” He stops dead in his tracks and everyone in the room freezes. Ren’s tongue was still on my cheek, and she was over me. We watched as Sin’s face turned pink, and he threw the clothes hard at Ren. She grunts as the clothing hits their face, and Sin quickly makes his way over to me. “This is going to hurt a bit.” He says, as he picks me up, and snaps at Ren, flustered. “I can’t believe you, Ren! Going after her when she’s already drained? She could die!”
“First of all, she’s mine. Second of all, I’m sorry but I’m starving.” She responded, licking her lips. We exited the room, and Ren followed quietly behind us. Sin brought me back into the bedroom that I woke up in, and set me on the bottom bunk of the bed. He began treating my wounds with full focus.
When he put a gauze pad onto my cheek, and carefully bandaged the rest of me up after cleaning the wounds. “Alright, just don’t go with those little brats anymore and you should be fine. Take it easy for a bit as well.”
“Thanks Sin.” I smile, and place my hand gently on my cheek.
“No problem. Now it’s time for Ren’s turn.” He sighed, and left the room.
I don’t understand why they want to keep me alive so badly… And why does Ren behave like that all the time around me?! Does this mean I have to do whatever they want me to do now? My mind was racing, and I felt overwhelmed. I carefully lay myself down on the bed, and closed my eyes. I’ll just take a quick nap… All the blood loss made me sleepy…

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