Family, Luke. You promised.

474 18 154

400+ votes guys!!! omgs this feels unreal tysm <333

dis thing at the top are the demographics of da readers that read this shit and dam y'all are from all around the world

and then I've discovered countries i did not even know existed so that was interesting



anyways back to da dam story :D

In other words, he was doomed.

"I can help you, Perseus." Percy heard a strange feminine voice. Strangely, Kronos didn't react. "I can show you the way to my brother's downfall."

Who the heck are you? I don't mean to be rude, but I'm about to be killed in my own mind. Percy was used to talking in his consciousness with Kronos, but this was oddly different. Like the presence was radiating Athena vibes. The voice sighed.

"I suppose that is reasonable." She decided. "Come with me." 

Uhm...I can't? He frowned, or tried to, anyway. He was still frozen in place.

"Of course you can." A misty figure appeared from the dark. "Take my hand." He hesitantly reached out, and surprisingly, he was able to move. Kronos didn't suspect a thing, he himself being rooted to the ground. He glanced back and still saw himself standing there, an expression of terror on his face. He was free. Finally

"What did you do?" He asked curiously. 

"This is my realm, Perseus. I can do what I please." She responded shortly.

He looked down at his hand, which looked ghostly. A pang of bitterness pricked his heart as he remembered the Death Mist Akhlys once used to conceal him and... her, to pass the monsters.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" The figure tapped her foot impatiently. Her dark, curly hair fell softly around her face and her jade green eyes sparkled with annoyance. She wore a white dress with letters all over it like she came from the pages of a book and a memory faintly ticked the back of his mind.

"You're Mnemosyne...goddess of memory, right?" He did a silent punch in the air when she nodded, exasperated.

"Of course I am." She huffed. "What did you expect? Now, come. I have something important to show you."

"Aren't you a titan, though?" He stepped backward reluctantly. She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"I know you have been told not to trust anyone 98 times, but I am very well against my idiotic little brother who can't even remember what he had for breakfast 3841 years ago." She said it like it was something you would store in your long-term memory. "Idiots. I am surrounded by my family—which are morons. Of course, my sisters are quite the exception, and Koios would be if he were not so power-hungry." Percy shuffled uncomfortably as she muttered something about incompetent older brothers that want to rule the world.

"Ok, fine." He obliged. "How exactly are you going to get me out of that sticky situation?" He gestured to Kronos still hovering above his body, his scythe at his throat.

"I am the Titaness of the Mind, Perseus." She said curtly. "You already know how to defeat him. I am just assisting in the slaughter of this moron who does not even deserve to live and wants to marry my little sister. Bah! I'd rather strangle that fool with my books." She clenched her fists as if she was imagining Kronos' throat there. "Alas, I am not powerful enough. But you are the bane of Kronos." Percy groaned.

"Not another title." He looked bored. "If he's so powerful and can incinerate me with a thought, why didn't he do that now?"

"Because he is too proud. He wants you to feel pain, drawing out your death, making it as slow and torturous as possible." She replied curtly. "I must say, that is an idiotic choice to make—"

A Dark Legacy (Percy Jackson betrayed fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora