chapter -1 (concidence? or Destiny!)

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Tonight is the biggest night of her life, the night that the prince's bride will
finally be chosen

"My lady?..... I have come to fetch you, my lady, it is time.
I peeked into the throne room it seems the entire world is here to see who the king will choose to marry his son. Are you ready?"the servant asked

"Am I? I'm the ordinary girl who should have never be allowed to compete for the prince's hand" Sophia said being nervous

"And yet you've made it this far...."the servant consoles her

"And know I just need to find out if I have been chosen to marry the love of my life... Or if he'll be bothered to another" Sophia said

But.... How did this ordinary girl Sophia reached here? And got this opportunity ?


Three weeks ago.....

"We are reporting live outside the palace of Castile where an association of Europe's most eligible bachelorettes are arriving!
These girls have been invited to compete for the most desired man of the country: the prince himself!
In the time- honoured tradition, his father, the king, will name the woman to become his son's bride.
Let's go see if we recognise any of the lucky girls!

My lady!
It's lady Cordelia of Castile- the queen's goddaughter! " The reporter spoke introducing Cordelia

"Tell us how do you feel about being invited to compete to be the prince's bride?" The reporter asked Cordelia being excited

"I was born for this role...i have been training to be a princess since birth" she answered her slantly.

"A notable absence was prince theodred himself- according to our sources, he has not been seen in who knows what the prince is thinking?" Reporter said while thinking.


Sophia was watching this interview in her mobile while a voice came from behind

" Are you Ready? Your first shift starts soon!" Her mom asked her

"Yes, I'm ready..... sorry I was just watching......" She was just answering her mom while her mom noticed the video playing in her mobile.

"Well soon you'll be inside the ,palace you'll be getting all the royal gossip firsthand!" Her mom reminded her

"Oh mom, how can I see anything from the kitchen??"she asked her getting a bit irritated.

"Hey! Kitchen work is honest work, and it's one step closer to your dream-" her mom consoled her.

(Sophia wants to open her own bakery)

"I am so proud of you, Sophia" her mom appreciated her.

Sophia's mom has always made so many sacrifices for her to give Sophia a good life and for satisfying their basic needs as their financial condition is not so good. Sophia is aware of her mom sacrifices and knows her responsibilities as her daughter and she wants to make her mom proud and being able to live her dream .

Sophia hugged her mother

"Now you better get moving, you can't be late on your first day!" Her mom ordered her.

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