Chapter 3: Trouble with the Church

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(Shidou POV)

* Hyoundou Residence

After a night's sleep, I woke up for another day, but I was a little curious and anxious.

My brother and I incarnated as devils and awakened incredible powers, I mean, I do not know how much Issei after all I did not see what he is capable of now. It's kind of cool to be a supernatural being. But I know nothing about what I carry in me.

I jumped out of my bed excited and ready for another day.

I did all my morning routines. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed and prepared my own breakfast, although my mother insisted she could do it.

I was already at the door with my backpack, but Issei was still eating at the table, being the usual retard.

Shidou: ''Hey Issei! I'm going ahead, then you catch up later.''

Issei rose from the chair, with an omelet in his mouth he turns to me.

Issei: ''O~gay! Z~eeu l~eter Mo~om and B~ab!''

Shidou: ''I understood a word and a half, but okay! Bye Mom! Bye Dad!''

Miki: ''Good bye, Shidou! Good bye, Issei! Be careful on the way!''

Gorou: ''Good Bye, sons! Get a girlfriend and introduce us! Don't perv the girls!''

Shidou: ''That last advice was for you, Perv bro!''

Issei: ''Shu~p up, E~ss bro!''

Farewell given, We start' walking on the way to school. Only I took the opposite side of the way, I can say that caught Issei by surprise.

Issei: ''Dude, where are you going? The right way is that side!''

Shidou: "Don't worry! This is a shortcut! I see you through the halls or the entrance of the school!"

I needed to get away from Issei a bit, after all, I wanted to test something, but it was risky to do it indoors and had a chance of Issei getting hurt. I went running and found an empty street with a dead end without anyone.

Shidou's Thought: (I rushed Issei just to make sure he didn't miss the time... Man, if he found out and told Rias I'd be screwed...! But let's try it! No pain, no gain, that's how they talk!)

I invoked my Sacred Gear in my hand and began to know what I had in me. I started to swing the pendulum in a continuous and linear way hoping that it would give a result, after all, it is in pendulum shape, so it has to mean something!

I kept my eyes closed so I could go deeper. I started to feel a breeze around me, could already say it was working, since it did not wind in that dead end.

Then I opened my eyes and saw what I had done. I was surrounded by magical particles in the shape of triangles around me, next to them an luminous wind rotated me.

Shidou's Thought: (That's fascinating! But a light show is not very useful in battle. Let's try something else! I just hope I don't cause any destruction... If I do that, I'm screwed for good!)

And then I closed my eyes again and tried to imagine something offensive to test.

Shidou's Thought: (Breathe deeply... Be one with the air. Now imagine!)

I extended my hand forward after a deep breath and tried to use my magic. As a result a magical circle of aquamarine color appeared at the end of the Alley and forward me.

 As a result a magical circle of aquamarine color appeared at the end of the Alley and forward me

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