Chapter 8

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They're humans...

Confusion crashes around in my skull like a wild ocean, questions dropping in the water and then being pushed aside by different ones.

"You were supposed to gasp," the girl says in clear disapproval. "It's a giant shock and you were supposed to gasp while being all surprised." She puts her hands on her hips before asking, "Would you like to try again?"

I don't even know how to begin to respond to that, so I look to the guy instead, finding his green eyes already watching me. I startle, shoving myself back and hitting my head on the headboard.

I grip my abused head in both hands, groaning. This day just keeps getting better and better.

"Aiden, you're scaring her! Can't you be civil for more than two seconds?"

My eyes catch his smirk, and I glare. For the first time in my life, I don't feel like being nice. These people took me, and I don't owe them anything.

"One of you better start talking or else you'll get to know my wolf really quickly," I say.

They don't need to know that I don't have a wolf to show them, nor the fact that I'm basically just one of them in my normalcy.

"Whoa!" Aiden starts, backing up with mock fear. "The kitty has claws." His smirk comes back in full swing before he adds, "Too bad you can't scratch the floor you threatened."

My brows draw together. "What do you mean?"

The girl smiles, her whole face seeming to light up as she says, "Because you're just like us! That's why Dall chose you!"

I sputter, my brain glitching before coming back on a screech. "Excuse me?"

The girl frowns. "Well, I guess you aren't exactly like us considering you are still a wolf, but we share a lot of similarities!"

"What Clara means to say is that you're a dud wolf, and we're humans," Aiden says, shrugging. "Basically the same thing."

My heart cringes. "I am well aware of what I am thank you," I snap.

"Ashamed?" He asks, smirking. "Welcome to human territory, princess. We live on food and sleep, not flesh and full moons."

I blink, then blink five more times. "Why don't you just shut your arrogant-"

He steps closer to me, cutting my words off. "You better be careful how you-"

"Aiden!" Clara yells, stepping between us. "Stop fighting like a three year old! We're supposed to be placating her, not irritating her!"

I bristle. "Placate me? What the hell is going on?"

Panic is bubbling up my chest, boiling just under my skin, ready to take off and flee.

The more I stay here, the more I realize my situation.

I am currently in what looks like a dusty metal box, sitting on a creaky old bed as two humans bicker about how best to deal with me. This day couldn't get any stranger.

"Listen," Clara starts calmly. "I know this is strange, but I need you to try and stay calm. I promise everything will make sense as soon as Dall gets back. He should be here any minute actually, and then he can explain everything and you will realize that it's all gonna be ok."

Absolutely not. I'm not sitting here waiting for my doom to catch me. The least I can do is try to get a head start.

I shrink my shoulders a little, playing the scared little girl. "Ok," I start. "But I don't want to stay in here."

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