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• The Next Day •

When I woke up, i grabbed my phone to check it. A text yet again from Lucifer.

Lucifer <3: When you get up, actually. never mind.

What? What did he mean to tell me? Why'd he send it anyway? I was so confused. I tried to forget about it but I couldn't. The room felt cold so I decided to put on the sweater I was wearing last night.

Before getting out of my room, i stayed in there for another hour or so scrolling on TikTok.

"(Y/N)?" Lucifer opened the door suddenly. He has to stop fucking doing that. I flinched harshly and dropped my phone on the carpet. Lucifer slightly giggled and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"Are you just hoping that if you open these doors without knocking you'll see me naked?" I teased him. He widened his eyes, scoffing.

"Oh you think I can't see you naked if I wanted to?" He paused and my face turns red.

I try to regain my words thinking of something to say, "O-oh? And uh, how would you uhm- do that?" Lucifer laughed and lowered his head, looking at the floor. Looking up ever so slightly, he came towards me and before looking me in the eyes, looked me up and down.

"You know, darling..." He hesitates, looking at my lips. Lucifer leans over, whispering in my ear, "or like this." He doesn't do anything but i feel my underwear come off. Luckily, my pants were still on. It was like magic. I stumble back, wordless.

"How-? How did you-?"

"I'm the King of Hell, babe." He gives me a sly smirk and then switches up fast. "Alright!" My underwear suddenly appears back on, "Uh, come out in a little bit, hm?" He closes the door behind him and my heart beats rapidly. I feel my whole body turning red. I needed to do something, I needed to start something. I can't go on like this.

"Sir- Wait!" I opened the door and grabbed his arm.

His eyes looked at my hand on his arm and then at me. "Yes?" He raises an eyebrow. I didn't know how to tell him, I didn't know how to start something up, he doesn't like me anymore, what's the point? His luscious blonde hair swooped in front of his eyes as he kept staring at me directly. His head was tilted down towards me and his lips looked soft and kissable. His veiny neck and hands changed his appearance a lot, he looked muscular and he was muscular. The way his voice changed in different scenarios made my heart beat even faster. Lucifer wasn't almost perfect... he was perfect.

As we maintained eye contact, I grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him down to my lips. I crashed ours together and kissed him with every single ounce of passion i had filled in my body. Lucifer seemed like he didn't care and wrapped one of his hands around my waist and another grasping at the back of my neck. The excitement i was waiting for to happen once again was happening in this very moment. I pushed myself against him, trying to get every inch of him against my skin.

Lucifer then started to remove his button down shirt and toss it to the side. He moved backwards, keeping my lips against his, swirling his tongue around in my mouth. He felt for the doorway of his bedroom and crashed me on to his bed. His bedroom was nicely decorated, he had put up candles and new photos since the first time I went in here.

The door slammed shut and he threw himself on top of me, kissing me again. I slid my hands down his chest, feeling his rock-hard abs. He then unzipped my sweatshirt. We were both panting but still kissing. I pulled away for just a second, "why don't you just do that magic thing to make it more easier?" I narrowed my eyebrows. I was below him and i felt both of his hands wrap around both of mine, pinning them against the bed right above me. He takes both of my hands and holds them with only one of his hands.

Hells Greatest Flirt - (Lucifer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now