Chapter 4: Helping a Clan Move In: Part 1

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Jack was in the sky along with Raf and Miko. They were hovering over the clan as they sailed to a new island that would be great for them. And the two clans that inhabited one the island's edges said they wouldn't mind having another neighboring clan to do trade with. With the island coming into view, Miko shouted to the ships, "There is it! Beasts' Island!"

"OH, FINALLY!" someone from the ships exclaimed. Very shortly, the other warriors joined in mixed voices. All saying they were grateful to finally made it, after being suck on a ship for so long.

Raf mumbled to his fellow Dragon – Shifters, "Sounds like they are more than ready to get rid of their sea legs."

"I'm honestly ready to rest my wings and visit Russell and Hank," Miko commented. Both Jack and Raf looked at her. "It wouldn't hurt to pay them a visit," she told them slyly.

"Miko," Jack began, "we need to focus on getting everyone settled before going to visit anyone."

"Awww," Miko moaned. Raf rolled his eyes at her.

"Miko, we can't leave them when they have no clue about this island," Raf told her. "Even if we've been here more than once in different times of the year, they haven't been here at all. Let alone lived here."

"Raf's right." Jack did not look back because he would see the clan. "We need to help them until they get their baring."

"Like that's going to be easy," Miko mumbled, thinking that her brothers-in-arms did not hear.

"We have to try," Jack told her. Still not looking behind him. As the ships hit the wet sand, Jack shifted in midair and made a dramatic landing. Miko and Raf followed suit.

"Showoffs," Vince mumbled.

"We heard that!" Miko yelled at him.

"Miko." Jack glanced back at Vince. "Let it be. We've got work to do." He turned to the clan. "Keep the livestock on the boats," he instructed. "Unless you want them to be eaten by a pack of wolves or by bears, or something else ... I suggest you keep them on the boats." The Clan looked at him with disbelief of a wild animal coming for their livestock undetected. 

"They have been here more than us," Jake commented. "We better listen to them." The warriors climbed off the vessels, glade to be off the craft. Some walked to the grass and pulled the green threads out from the ground. They came to the boat that contained the wooled animals and black beast, feeding it to them.

"Hey Jack," a young warrior, who must've just been promoted, called out. "How are we spoused to make our home with wild man-eating beasts prowling us?"

"Miko is taking the night watch, so more of you can sleep. Raf will help with making the shelter for the animals and the construction of the houses."

"And you'll do what?" Vince demanded.

"I'm first going to head over to the other two clans to get an idea of what the ground is like and how we must make and build the houses." Jack defiantly sounded like a clan leader. There was no denying it. It echoed in their minds of how confident Jack's voice sounded. How he didn't stutter. It sounded like he had a good mentor who taught him everything his needed to know. It sounded like he was more self-assured than he had ever been in all his life. "After that ... I'm coming back to help."

"Are going to go now?" a little girl asked.

"No," he told her rubbing his neck. "I need some rest before flying again. My back and shoulders ache."

"Saaamme," Raf and Miko agreed in unison.

"But we'll help!" Miko said in an upbeat tone. "Even though me and Raf's backs and shoulders hurt." Jack found a tree he could rest under and have the clan in his eyesight. The cool afternoon breeze took his aching muscles off his mind. Sided with in fading, golden sun and pink clouds filled the sky. It was early nightfall when a young woman brought some cool stream water to him.

"Thanks, Kim," he told her. He poured the water down his throat. It was more than refreshing. It was reviving him like a healing spring healing his wounds from his near-death-experience.

"You are still apart of this clan," Kim told him. "And so are Raf and Miko."

Removing the bucket and wiping the water from his mouth, he said, "Yeah ... It just feels hard now after ...," he gazed out into the horizon where the clan was getting ready for the night, "what's happened to us."

They were quiet for a moment. "Jack," Kim began, "do the other clans have Dragon – Shifters too?"

"No," Jack answered. "But the clans on the island's right edge and left edge have dragon riders."

"Dragon riders?!" some kids exclaimed in front of the two.

"Could we come with you then?" the younger girl asked eagerly.

"Don't be ridiculous," the boy told her. "He's not going to take us with him. Even IF we got our parents' permission, he still wouldn't take us with him."

"I wouldn't take YOU for acting like that," Jack smirked. He turned his attention to the girls. "If your parents are okay coming with me, I'll allow it."

"Okay!" the younger girl exclaimed.

"But they have to be okay with it," Jack told them. "I'll know when we return."

"Okay!" The girls turned and dashed to ask their parents. The boy walked all grumpy and annoyed that he couldn't go.

"You sure about this?" Kim asked after the kids were out of earshot. "Have even had-"

"Someone on my back?" Jack finished for her. "Yeah," he chuckled. "Russell rode my back during a dragon race! And Hank rode Miko!" Kim looked at him with a surprised look. "At least the saddles were comfortable," he commented with a smile.

"Did they know it was you and Miko that were racing?" Kim asked.

"No, actually," he told her. "We had our markings covered when we first came here. We didn't know if it was safe for us yet," he quickly added to Kim expression. "Russell and Hank are dragon riders now, and they are finally feel like fit in with their clan."

"Is dragon riding a tradition on this island?" Kim asked.

"Pretty much," Jack told her with a shrug. "But not everyone has a dragon."

"Excuse me," Jake's voice made their head snap to face him. "But I wish to talk to my son."

"I should go make sure all the little ones are sleeping away," Kim told them. She got up and headed to the tent where the littles were sleeping at.

"What do you want to talk about?" Jack asked.

"Where do you, Raf, and Miko now live?" Jake asked.

Jack didn't answer right away. "I can't tell you," he said finally. "No one but the messenger dragons know where we are," he lied.

"Jack," Jake began, "I want to know because," he paused, his eyes closed at a painful memory, "you're all I have left of your mother." Jack looked down. He too missed his mother, and he knew that he was all Jake had left.

"It's off the map," Jack told him. Jake opened his eyes and looked at his son. "Waaay off the map. Far away from the other clans. It's a safe haven."

"From how long will it BE a safe haven?!" Jake exclaimed. "How long until Cylas finds you?!"

"We try not to think about that!" Jack yelled back. "Look, I need to sleep for tomorrow's flight." Jack rolled onto his side, closed his eyes and fell asleep. 

Jake left his son to rest, but a question echoed in his mind, How could a dragon be a better teacher than me? He soon headed to his tent and rest his own head.

Transformers Dragon AU: Book 1 A Dragon HuntWhere stories live. Discover now