Chapter sixty five

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Kaiden and his witches appeared in the rogue field. The innocent wolves were trying to protect themselves from their members that have gone deranged. He smiled and walked through the field, heads of the deranged rogues sprang up and watched them as they passed. As much as Mary know that nothing would happen to her, she still felt fear deep in her bones as they passed through the snarling wolves.
An older man rushed out from a hut, his face lightened up when he saw the man and he rushed to him, kneeling in front of him. “My Lord, you are back, have you come to save us as promised? Day by day we lose more of us to them. I had thought you abandoned us, but here you are, you really are a man of your words.”
Kaiden smiled but his hood hid the malicious intent in his yellow eyes. He raised his hand and placed it on the man’s head. “Do not worry, Caleb, I will fulfil my vow to you but you need to do one more thing for me. All of you,” his hooded face glanced around and he took note of the fearful faces of the innocent rogues. He knew he was about to send them to a land of no return but he felt no atom of remorse for them. They deserved it, if it weren’t for his damned brother, none of them should have even existed. So they are fulfilling their duties of being alive.
“But my Lord, what can we do for you? We have lost our number. Our children and my friends are already one of them. There is nothing we can do,” Caleb said. “But, if you heal our people from the disease like you said you would, we are more than five thousand wolves combined, then we can help you.”
“It doesn’t matter what form you take, Caleb, you would help me none the less. In fact, if I am being honest, I will prefer you to be in your true form.”
Caleb frowned, “I don’t understand My Lord, if you want us to turn, we can easily do that. And it comes down to what I said, if you heal my brothers and sisters, we will take our true form but will be in control of ourselves and then we can do your biddings, we have always been doing your biddings.”
“Fine, you are right,” Kaiden said.
“Thank you, My lord,” Caleb smiled.
“But to make it easier on all of us, have you all been taking the medicine I cooked?”
“Yes my lord, we took it to the very last drop.”
Kaiden smirked, “good, very good, Caleb.” And then his eyes burned a brighter yellow that it showed off from his hood, making Caleb who was closer to him and saw it to frown. He started muttering an incantation.
“My Lord?” Caleb called but then he fell on the dampened soil, twitching on the ground.
“Caleb,” A woman called and started running to him, however, before she could get to him, she fell on the ground and started twitching as well. Soon, everyone fell and started twitching, clothes shredded as in less than a minute, wolves with white eyes like it was glazed over with white color surrounded them. Mary yelped and clung onto Melissa’s arm, making sure to put a good distance from her and the snout of the wolf that was once Caleb.
Kaiden chuckled and looked up at the night sky with bright full moon, “take a look Selene, by this time tomorrow, all your children shall be like this, every single one of them, nothing but my pawns.”
“My Lord,” Melissa called, “what are we going to do about them?” she pointed at children and teenagers who haven’t found their wolves yet.
“Oh don’t worry, as long as they find their wolf, they would join their parents. They have been fed my poison in the name of immunization,” he chuckled.
“Alright,” she nodded, “so, what now?”
“Now, they will disperse, going from pack after pack and turning each and every one they see.”
“I see,” Melissa smiled, “you may not be the demon king, but it seems you have thought ahead. What about the Nightwalkers, how can we control them?”
“Oh…” Kaiden chuckled, “worry not, Melissa, my infected are already on a rampage, just like my infected wolves that are being held in dungeons. They are going to break free and will attack from inside. I tell you, Melissa, before sunrise tomorrow, they would be no sane wolf nor nightwalkers.”
“And then the plan begins.”
“Of course, the plan begins,” and with that, he waved his hand and all the rogues ran into the woods in different direction as he stood and laughed, enjoying the feeling of winning.
“That’s another sigh, Sean,” Steven said.
Sean wanted to sigh but he refrained from it and just shook his head, his shoulders dropping.
“What’s with the sigh?” Steven asked.
He shook his head and shrugged instead of sighing, “I don’t know, I just feel uncomfortable.”
“Why is that?” Rasmus asked.
“I don’t know,” he replied and glanced up at the night sky. “The moon is really full tonight and big. I have never seen the moon so full or big unless on blood moon night right before it turns red.”
Rasmus frowned, “that’s true. I have lived for seven hundred years and I only see such big moon once a year.”
“Likewise, I have lived for nine hundred years and I have never seen it on ordinary days,” Irene chipped in.
“I can say the same and I have lived for two thousand years,” Vertimon said.
Beruka and Maleeka were frowning at the full moon as well and right before they could talk, Steven beat them to it.
“Well,” Steven scratched his head, “I have lived for nineteen years and I only see it once a year.” He chuckled.
Everyone shared at his humor by chuckling softly to it. He brushed Sean’s arm and nodded at him, “not funny?” he asked since Sean was the only one that didn’t laugh. Except Aliyah who was sitting in front of the palace and minding her business.
Sean couldn’t stop himself from sighing this time and he shrugged, “is it just me or did any other person noticed that the night is awfully quiet, like too quiet?”
“It’s night, it’s meant to be quiet,” Idrissa said.
“Are you going to be doing that your thinking stuff again? The first time I saw you worried over something, the werewolves and vampires teamed up to kill the vampire prince, what is going to happen this time?” Steven asked playfully but when Sean didn’t join in his humor, his face turned serious. “Sean, what is going on?”
Sean glanced at the forest and at the palace with the ever burning blue flame before he turned to his friend, “I will have a quick run home. I need to check on Monica and Anita.”
“Dude, your parents are there, if there is anything I am sure they would find a way to contact us, either by cellphone or they would send a warrior.”
“No, Steve, you don’t understand. I’m unnecessary worried, I think I should better go check on them and if everything is fine, I can always come back,” he shrugged.
“Let him go Steven, he will only be comfortable if he does,” Irene said and Rasmus nodded in support.
“Besides, we don’t have anything going on here,” Rasmus said.
Steven frowned but at the end, he nodded, “go check on your family, man.”
Sean nodded once and walked past him to meet Aliyah, “hey, I am just going to have a quick run home and take a look on things, I will be back soon, okay?” he waited for reply but none came and he glanced at the sleeping Asher in her arms. Heaving a sigh, he leaned down and brushed a kiss on her head before turning to walk to the woods. However, right at that moment, a medium sized black wolf jumped out of the forest, giving them a scare.
“Rogue,” Rasmus shouted as his eyes flashed red and his claw elongates as he left Irene’s side and rushed the animal. However, before he could do a damage, Steven pushed him aside.
“No, Rasmus, that’s my brother,” he said and turned to Gerald that was snarling and jumping around, refusing to be still. “Calm down Gerald, I have told you to control yourself when you are scared,” he yelled at the young wolf.
Gerald finally calmed and his yellow eyes locked with Steven’s black ones. Sean knew they were communicating in the mind link and he waited patiently for Steven to explain what was happening. But then, he noticed Steven growling and glanced at him to see his eyes were flashing blue light as he started growing big with tiny black furs appearing on his face.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Steven, Steven,” he rushed and held the boy on his shoulders before he could fully transform, “tell us what happened?”
Steven glanced at his friend and it was obvious that he was fighting to control himself so that he can formulate his words. Even the demon rulers had piqued interest and was patiently waiting to hear what the boy has to say. Aliyah, sensing the commotion, stood up from where she sat and approached them, cradling Asher in her arms. “The rogues are attacking.”
“What?” Sean, Irene, Rasmus and Aliyah shouted at the same time.
“Not just the rogues, even the infected in the dungeons are attacking as well having broken out of the dungeons. At the moment, my parents are deranged too.”

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