Chapter 3

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Nao's pov:

I was walking through the school's hallways, knowing about the fact that Hiroki was missing

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I was walking through the school's hallways, knowing about the fact that Hiroki was missing...I didn't care anymore.

Hiroki used to be someone special to me. My childhood sweetheart, but I have the exchange student now and his much better than Hiroki, even in bed and his dreamy.

However, as I fantisized about my new boyfriend's body, I accidentky bumped into someone, someone much larger.

Nao:"So-sorry. I was-" I stopped when I saw the man I had bumped into.

The man was tall...much tall, as if he was as tall as thr exchange student, but he was...more built, more refined of a body than him. His face as well, it was as if he was an idol, especially with his long, neck-lengthed black hair.

 His face as well, it was as if he was an idol, especially with his long, neck-lengthed black hair

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Nao:"He-hello...umm..." I fumbled.

The sight of the man made me nervous, as if I had just met an actual idol in real life. I was fidgeting my hair as I sneak glances at him, all nervously.


He walked right passed me and didn't even give me his name. Aren't boys supposed to tell their names when we are confused? But...I couldn't even be angry.

I only looked back to see him walk away, when someone wearing a hoodie, followed behind him and grabbed his hand. The two were close, just by how the girl interacted with him.

Nao:"...So dreamy." I said, remembering the boy's face and figure.

Hiroki's pov:

I had recently bumped into my ex, Nao. More or less, I felt nothing. Not even hatred or anger. She wasn't worth it. I plan to graduate peacefully without drama with my roommate after all.

I continued on my way, with my roommate, holding my hand, making me look at them with confusion, but my face remained stoic, though they knew that I was confused.

Roommate:"...That was you're ex, wasn't it? Thought I'd...atleast help you..." They said, all nervous and flustered.

Hiroki:"...I'm fine. I can handle it." I said to reassuree them.

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