Read For Me - Mattheo Riddle (Smut)

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YOU HAD BEEN quite stressed the whole day. Nothing seemed to go your way, and when you finally finished your lectures for the day, all you wanted to do was just curl up with your boyfriend on the bed.

That's where you were currently.

Your back was pressed against his chest as he held up the book you were reading with one hand. The other one was rested against your abdomen as you read aloud, turning the page whenever it was needed.

At some point your eyes drifted away from the book and was instead focused on the way Mattheo's arms looked under this lighting.

His veins were incredibly pronounced, thanks to the table lamp causing shadows to occur all over his skin. The way his arms flexed when he gripped the book just a little tighter made your stomach flutter, and you tried to ignore his beautiful fingers toying with your stomach.

You looked away, not even noticing that Mattheo had went silent, the book almost completely left off to the side.

"You okay?" he muttered into you ear.

Everything he did was setting your stomach ablaze right now. It didn't help that his fingers flexed against your tummy as he drew shapes alongside the flesh.

"Mhm," you said as you nodded, hoping he just ignored you and picked the book back up. You were seriously trying your hardest to not pay attention to how good his arms looked laying at his sides - or in general, really.

Mattheo bit back a smile as he noticed your eyes briefly flicker to his hand that was resting against you. He definitely did not miss the slight movements in your eyes, paying attention to the way your mouth seemed to dry up with every gulp you took.

"Are we still stressed?" he asked, already knowing that's not what the problem was.

You just nodded. Honestly, you weren't too sure what he really said. Your eyes were too focused on the way his fingers felt as if they were moving lower down onto your abdomen, slowly reaching the waistband of your shorts. He merely toyed with the elastic, his fingertips never reaching further than your pelvis.

Vibrations rumbled against your back as he chuckled. "Well we can't have that now, can we?"

Mattheo moved his hand away from your lower half in order to wrap around your waist tightly, holding you close. His other one picked the book back up, lifting it towards your face.

You had no idea what he was doing, and you had no intention of finding out - your mind was still fuzzy from the immense heat that was pooling between your legs from your boyfriend's previous actions.

"Keep reading," came his voice suddenly.

He noticed the curious look in your eyes as he strained his neck to face you. "You're stressed. Reading helps you relax, no?"

"Yeah...?" you were still confused.

Mattheo loosened his grip on your torso to resume messing around with your waistband.

"Read for me," he mumbled against your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine.

You watched as the muscles in his forearm contracted while he kept the book at your eye level. Starting from the top of the page you began to read out loud, trying to stop your voice from cracking whenever Mattheo's fingers trailed lower than expected. Every single movement caused goosebumps to form all over - your arms, legs, stomach. Your body was buzzing with excitement.

Continuing your pace, you kept reading out the words on the page no matter how uneven your breathing became. You knew better than to ignore Mattheo's commands.

"You're doing great, keep going," whispered Mattheo.

Just as you were about to continue, you were interrupted by your own gasp as his hand made it's way into your shorts. The only problem was that he didn't move it - not one bit. He rested it on top of you, cupping your heat.

The veins in his hand twitched as he gently shook the book. "You stop, I stop."

You let out a strangled groan before starting again.

"They attacked hi- him in various ways...." you quoted before taking a deep breath upon feeling the friction against your panties, Mattheo's palm giving you just the pressure you needed.

"With...- with barefaced questions-" you briefly stopped reading only to whimper his name.

His hand carefully pulled your underwear to the side, fingers teasing at your entrance. He moved them up to part your lips, gathering your arousal before he suddenly dipped into you, earning a breathy moan from the back of your throat.

Fingers gently, slowly, curling, he began to nip at your neck before he spoke up. "I thought I told you to keep reading?" he said.


You felt him all around you. His gorgeous arm that was looped around your chest, holding your book up; his mouth which left wet open-mouthed kisses across your shoulder and neck, lightly sucking and biting whenever he could. And, oh, his skilled fingers which were now moving in and out of you at a dreadfully slow pace.

Your stomach felt as if it was twisted in knots, but you kept reading nonetheless, to which Mattheo begun praising. "So good for me," he whispered.

His thumb now entered the mix, begin to rub lazy circles on your clit.

Reveling in how shaky your voice sounded, he urged you to increase up your volume. He wanted to hear you fall apart - and what better way to do that then have you read louder for him?

"Be a good girl and speak up. I can't hear you," he had said.

Your head was now thrown back onto his shoulder, the coil in your stomach building up very fast. You could still somewhat make out the words on the page, but your vision had began to blur, and your moans were becoming too frequent for you to be able to continue.

"Please, Mattheo, I can't," you whined.

Tears brimmed at the edge of your eyes, your cheeks flushing with the heat of the room. Mattheo nudged his shoulder upwards so that you were supporting your own head once more. Your eyes landed on the book again. "Yes you can," he encouraged.

His lips landed on your cheek, peppering soft pecks wherever his mouth landed.

It wasn't much longer before you erupted into a series of tremors, your voice chanting his name as he helped you ride out your high. In all honesty, you were going to have to read that chapter again - you weren't sure if you retained any information.

Mattheo rested the book on your nightstand, both of his arms now hugging you close to his chest. His chin nestled into your shoulder. "How do you feel now?"

You smilled up at him, craning your neck to meet his eyes. "Much better, baby."

"Good," he said, kissing your forehead.

Leave it to Mattheo to de-stress you on your worst days.


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