Chapter 6: Dwindling road

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Important Note: hey guys thank you for reading my book. But, please try not to be silent reader . I will be happy if you star my story or at least comment your positive views .
And I changed Lilly character as it takes a surprise turn in next story . Also I want to change Lilly name in to something else if you agree replay me also suggest a good name too till then I continue her name as Lilly and the following character will be play as her.


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Radiant sun rays  starts to appear on the sky to break the day . As the chirping sound of the  bird's play like a  music in the peaceful air . Cool breeze intrude through the  curtains and filled the surroundings with-fresh  air. The smell of tea encircles the room which awoken the Alisha . She lazily opened her eyes and turned towards her bedside table to which she saw a cup of tea and some cookies . Her lips curved upwards slowly as she rubbed her eyes with her tiny fists to clear her drowsiness. "Oh good you awake on time " says her mother as she  entered in her bedroom . Alisha stared at her a second "mom , when did you came back ?" She asked her confusingly. To which she said " at 2:00 am dear ,yesterday night  i got a mysterious patient who was severely injured . By the time I treat him I got late to reach home". She said apologetically. Alisha still couldn't comprehend because last time she remembered she slept in hall then how come she came back here. She turned towards her mother " mom, yesterday night did you brought me to my room  ?"  Her mom narrowed her eyes " No dear when I came home you were already on your bed sleeping peacefully." Alisha look at her " mom yesterday I slept on sofa while waiting for you. Then how come I " before she can continue " dear I think you went back to your room and you might not remember because of sleepiness ." No that's not possible she recalled that  yesterday night she received a strange message which made her worry and she decided to share it with her mother " No wait mom I remembered yesterday I got a creepy message so I got scared and came downstairs and unknowingly fell into sleep." her mom frowned what message darling ?" To which Alisha opened her mobile to show her but to her bad luck she didn't found any text on her mobile. She stared at her mobile unable to process "dear ! What happened?" her mother asked worryingly " No I didn't have that text now " she said innocently . Her mother sit beside her combing her hair through her fingers to make her relax " dear may be you were tired yesterday and you got deceptive ?" Alisha turns towards her mother all she saw worry lines crossed over her face. She felt guilty for worrying her mother she already having so much on her plate now I can't make her worry for me she thought. She smiled at her mother and agree with her statement " yeah mom may be you are right ". Her mother got up " come fast to dear  am about to prepare breakfast for you". Alisha worried gone by the mention of her mother's hand made food. She nodded like a child and eagerly run  towards her bathroom to get ready for day .

After some time Alisha returned to kitchen  where her mother saw her in a light pink cute dress which ends above near her knees . She looks like a pure angel who descends from heaven. Alisha happily sat on her breakfast chair where delicious breakfast ready to be served. She turned towards her mom but all she saw her mother's nervous gaze avoiding her eyes at this she frowned. " mom you seem hesitant. Is everything alright?" To her statement her mother perplexed " was it that obvious ?" to which her daughter smiled " because you are playing with your ear rings continuously and you only do that when you are nervous about something . What is it mom?" Her daughter  has the almost same habit but when alisha get nervous she starts play with her ring or hair. After listening her daughter Alexandra sat opposite to her daughter " you know yesterday we had a big project regarding helping poor people" after listening from her mom she smiled at her as her mother continued saying " and they selected some  surgeons to participate in this project. And among those doctors my name is also present " she looked her daughter smiling face" mom you always  had a dream to participate in camp so you can  help them . "  " yes but there is a problem dear" Alisha frowned " what is it ?" " this camp held in Africa where we have to visit multiple locations to cover most civilians " Alisha never live alone she always had her either of her caring parents but now things got change . After listening her mother " for how many days ? " she whispered lowly. to answer her Alexandra hold her daughter hands and says " 2 months dear and I  don't wanna leave you all alone so I thought about refuse the offer " her daughter eyes widen 2 months covers lot of days but she doesn't want her mother to step behind because of her . She thought it's time where she had to be emotionally independent . She can't constrain her mother . As She tried to smile at her mom " it's fine I can manage on my own and am now older enough to be independent mom". " No, dear you are father and I never left you even for a day and which will continue now too. I don't want to go far way from you even that is for one day yet here two months I have to be away from you " to which Alisha tear up and hugged her mother. Her mother did  best to love , support and protecting her . she felt guilty for being selfish to think cancel this trip. So, confidently says , " mom who said I will be alone in your absence, Annie and Lilly and their families here only they always visit me furthermore, you never taught me to step back from any challenges then how can I let you . Moreover, Those poor people needs you ".  she knows by mentioning her friends and their family her mother will  relax. but  Alisha is unaware of the things which gonna happened in this  two months of her life.  Even Alexandra feels like something not right which she is unable to point at yet, she smiled  at her brave child. "But ," before her mother says anything " no buts mom you are going and it's decided ". " fine you promise me you keep on update me daily." to which her daughter agreed gladly." so,when  this camp will start ?" She asked "  in two days which is Thursday  morning I had a flight at 9:40 am" Alisha nodded at her. " I think that place is way too hot". To which she agreed then they both fell in peaceful silence after breakfast Alisha helped her mom to cleaned the dishes. Then she went back to her room to grab her ringing mobile where she saw Lily calling her. " hi Li !" She answered . " Alish, how are you why didn't you answer my texts? ". " which text you are talking about Li?" " check your messages once " said her Alisha opened inbox she can see her friend text and opened it which says " I talked with my cousin who is  in London you can visit there for some days till he forget this issue ". She widened her eyes realizing she forgot to share this issue to her mom . But now she can't say it will definitely worry her more. She decide to hide this until she came back from camp . " hello you there" Lilly voice reached her ears to break her thoughts " yeah li I saw text just now ". "But,  Alisha you were online at 1:00 am and had seen it already . I thought you would reply but you didn't ". To her friend comment she confused because as much as she remembered she didn't saw any of her friends texts yet here the screen shows she read it may be in sleep I forgot. "I think i was sleep and unable to reply ". " oh its fine "says Lilly . "Li? Can we meet ? I have something to say " . " sure then I will meet you at lunch break at macros". Alisa agreed with her and end the call . After 1 hour she start to leave to meet her friend before that she informed her mom.

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