Chapter 1 ~ A losing game

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The dull metallic sound of blade against blade flooded the air, as the warriors struggled to land a single blow. Loren Alexander's laughter rang out, his amusement at the pitiful sight of their failed attempts to jab each other. His teacher was frustrated and embarrassed by the situation, perhaps feeling like a failure at being a mentor.

'Looks like I've improved,' he smirked at his teacher. 'Or you're getting worse. Perhaps it's time I started teaching you.' Loren laughed, enjoying his moment of superiority. However, his teacher didn't share his amusement and remained stoic.

'Sir Alexander, it's informal of you to be prancing around like a six year old because of an achievement,' the teacher said, then smirked briefly. 'Although I can't say I'm not proud of you.'

Loren's smile widened, and he jumped in joy, running to embrace his teacher. He almost completely forgot to try and maintain his composure, embracing his teacher in a hug that was full of pure emotional release and appreciation. He felt the soft fabric of her dark suit against his skin as her white hair tickled him. The only colour on her was her sparkling red eyes, which glared down on him with a mixture of annoyance and care.

'Thanks Arle-cappuccino!' he squealed, and the teacher pushed him away slightly with care.

'It's Arlecchino, not this cappuccino bullshit,' the teacher replied, struggling to maintain her stern expression.

'Ok, Arle-piano,' he giggled, causing Arlecchino to laugh too.

She reached out for the plastic lily pinned on Loren's shirt, adjusting it slightly. 'Don't lose that, I'd rather not see what it's like for you to cry,' said Arlecchino, inspecting it. The lily glistened under the dim light in the room, its pure white and spotless petals glowing in the soft glare. The flower was pristine, as if it had never been touched by dirt or contamination. Each petal looked fresh and new, almost as if it had just grown.

Arlecchino looked at Loren and smiled back at the playful expression on his face. Despite the passage of centuries, the smiles that they had worn for countless years remain the same, carrying the same sense of kindness and warmth.

'I did good in my training, didn't I, Arly?' Loren asked, using the stupid nickname he came up with when they first met. She nodded, grinning.

'Yes, you did. Which reminds me, I made something for you,' She stood up and stepped into another room. Loren waited patiently, his curiosity piqued by her sudden departure. After a short while, Arlecchino returned carrying a long box tied with a red ribbon.

'I was going to give this to you on your five-hundred-and-twenty-ninth birthday but you know how my memory is sometimes,' she laughed, handing the box to Loren.

'Don't say that again, it makes me feel old,' Loren replied.

'You are though.'

'Girl shut your mouth,' Loren spat back sarcastically, making them both giggle.

Loren's fingers curled around the ribbon of the gift, playing with it as he tried to loosen it to open the box. Finally, he was able to lift the lid of the box. The interior of the box held a sword, its blade sparkling and untouched. The handle of the weapon was pristine, its metal surface free of scratches or signs of wear and seemed to be guarded by tissue-like leather curled around it. Like a relic from another age, the sword seemed untouched by time and was in pristine condition, as if it had never seen use. He slowly unravelled the leather bandages that were wrapped around the hilt of the sword, baring its two letters - L.A - that were engraved in the metal.

His fingertips slowly travelled across the metal, tracing along the engraved letters which seemed to have been pressed deep into the sword's handle. When he touched the dents left by the letters in the metal, he could feel the indentations as if they had been carved into the metal with utmost care.

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