The kiss

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Chapter 8
[real life]

"How's the team?", I ask Maggie over the phone.

When I decided to leave Iowa, I knew I would need someone to take over and lead the team. Maggie is a coaches kid, takes correction well, and the girls liked her. I ended up naming her captain a week before summer practices and she's been in charge ever since.

"Pretty good. We have an amazing group of freshman this year", she sighs. "Sarah broke her arm again and Callie twisted her ankle at rehearsals last night"

"Did Callie go to the doctor?", I ask knowing how stubborn the red head had always been.

Maggie gives me a "look" and I nod, knowing exactly what she was saying with that.

"How's UConn?", she asks eventually.

"It's ok. Campus is decent size and the girls on the dance team are good", I explain.

"Be honest. How did they react when they had their first practice with you?", my brunette friend giggles.

"You know, groaning and complaining. Made them run til they puke. Shut them up real quick", I smirk. "They're just not used to authority, coach isn't that involved so it's up to me to run everything and with this injury and AT I don't know how I'm gonna do it"

"You're the strongest and most confident person I know Lauren. You always make things work. Ask for help, it's always there", Maggie smiles at me.

Hayley then comes barging in the door with a bag in her hand. She throws it on the floor and walks over to the closet without a word.

"Is that Hayley?", I hear Maggie laugh.

I nod and sit up a little to try and see my best friend and what she could possibly be doing in my closet.

It's been nearly 3 weeks since my surgery. The girls have played 4 games since then, losing to UCLA and Austin, beating Kansas and Minnesota.

Hayley has been to every game, helping out with AT stuff and keeping Paige in check.

Paige has been by every chance she gets, bringing flowers, food, games, movies, or just herself. Spending time with her has been the best thing ever. Having someone that has been through this exact thing is really encouraging.

"What are you doing?", I ask Hayley who walks out of the closet with legging and a cropped UConn shirt and my running shoes.

"You're going to the game", she throws the clothes on the bed.

I look at her like she was absolutely insane, I was off my crutches but still limping around everywhere I went, opting to stay inside and watch any and all games from the comfort of my room.

"Doctor said you should get some fresh air. You haven't left the apartment since we've gotten back and to be honest I can't do all this AT stuff. That's not my major and I can't train these students like you.", she explains. "Please, just come to this one"

"I'll call you later Maggie", I groan. "Love you"

"Love you too Laur", she laughs.

I hung up and swing my legs over the side of the bed, bracing myself against my bedside table and slowly pushing myself up.

Hayley takes my brace off and helps me put on the leggings, immediately putting the brace back on. Although it's been three weeks, I wasn't healing as normally as doctors would have liked to see, so I'm stuck wearing this bracing 24/7 until it looks somewhat normal.

I pull the shirt over my head and hobble over to my vanity. Straightening my hair and putting a little makeup on before turning around in my chair so Hailey can tie my shoes.

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