[Ch 2, Act 11] Top Dog.

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As the two rode around the city, they began to ask a bunch of locals, where the Daruma gang is. The locals mostly shook their heads, as they were threatened by the forces of Daruma. However, one stood out

"T-The Daruma gang?! B-But, they're one of the deadliest gangs of all Ryoria... You two expect to meddle with them, they'll expect to go home with your heads... Especially, you, woman... The daruma will tear your clothes off and do things to you without your will." - The man nervously said as Aster got nervous, gripping onto Inzagi

"Sir, we don't care, we just want to know where they a-" - Inzagi gets cut off as he sees a familiar looking man, behind the person he's speaking with.

"Oi, who is this bitch bothering you?" - the man said, as the local runs away. The man chuckles as him and his partner walk towards Inzagi, holding a metal pipe

"Yo, who's you?" - The man asked as Inzagi glared at him

"Yeah, how much for the bike? And the whore?" - The other man chuckled as he looked at the bike and Aster. Aster held onto Inzagi, out of fear.

"Speak to us, cunt. You wanna know where the Daruma is, right?" - The man smiled as he kicked the wheel of Inzagi's bike.

Inzagi gets triggered as he swiftly punches the man down, knocking his fake golden teeth out.

"OH, YOU MOTHERFU-" - Inzagi swiftly charges at the other man and heavily punches him all over, pinning him down on the ground

"Where is your main base." - Inzagi asked as he continued to land heavy punches on the member

"I'LL NEVER TELL YOU" - The member replied as Inzagi punched through the member's blocking arms.

Inzagi grabs the man by the hair and bashes his head onto the ground, rubbing dirt on his face.

"Still not talking?" - Inzagi gripped onto the man's hair extremely tight as the man groaned in pain

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, IT'S AT THE RIGHT OF THE MAIN COLOSSEUM." - The man hastily said as Inzagi lets go of him and smiles

"Thank you, kindly. You can go now." - Inzagi smiled as the man stood up

"R-Really?" - the man asked hesitantly

"Nah-" - Inzagi punches the man so hard on the jaw that his jaw dislocates from his skull.

The man bled, while he was knocked out, as Inzagi got on the bike once again and began to drive to the main colosseum

"Hey, Aster, mind helping me out with my fights, later? The sense of bringing you here kind of loses its point, when you just watch." - Inzagi said, as Aster nods

"Alright... I'll try my best..." - Aster replied as the two continue to ride towards the main colosseum

Finally, the two arrive, and they stumble upon a man with a black cloak

"Who goes there.." - The man asked as blades began to slip out from his sleeves.

"Hey, you know where the Daruma base is?" - Inzagi asked as the man charges at Inzagi

"Sir Rupert..?" - Inzagi recognizes Rupert instantly as he charges at him.

"Oh, what- OH, HEY, you're that dude from the meeting. Fancy seeing you here. Let me guess, you're on a mission to take out Daruma?" - Rupert asked as he shook Inzagi's hand

"Pfft, yeah, do you know where they could be? A member I beat up said the base would be on the right of the main colosseum-" - Inzagi asked as Rupert nodded

"Yeah, it's just inside that convenience store, there's a stairway down, where the cashier is standing. Good luck, mate" - Rupert implied as he pats Inzagi's shoulder.

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