Chapter 31-40

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Chapter 31 Promotion
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Previous chapter: Chapter 30 Guo LuoluoNext chapter: Chapter 32 Children
"My lord, Eunuch Liang has already delivered the imperial edict to Concubine Tong, and he should be coming to us soon." Nian'er couldn't help but be happy, as the master's promotion that he had longed for finally came.

"Don't worry, there will still be some time." Wu Yafangyi clenched her palms. The emperor asked Liang Jiugong to come over early in the morning to issue an imperial edict. In order to seal the harem, Tong had already changed from a concubine to a noble concubine. I wonder if the emperor can let her take the concubine position - this is the key to whether she can raise her own children.

The emperor's assigned positions this time are as follows.

Under the queen, there is an imperial concubine, two noble concubines, four concubines, and six concubines. Below the concubine position are the nobles, permanent ones, and promised ones. These positions are not fixed.

However, there is another kind of lowest status, that is, an official woman. The status of an official woman is between a concubine and a palace maid. She is a palace lady who has been favored by the emperor. It is different from the promise. Although the status of the promise is low, but At least it was an upright concubine's house, and official women were not allowed to appear on the stage.

The title of imperial concubine in the harem is reserved for the day that the queen is alive, and the emperor will not seal it. However, for the time being, only the Tong family has been granted the title of imperial concubine, and the title of concubine is also for one person, the common concubine Xiao Hesheli who raised the eldest son in obscurity in the palace. Shi.

As for the concubine, the imperial edict has not yet been conveyed to the harem. Wu Yafangyi is now waiting for the concubine to be canonized. She hopes that the emperor has some conscience and will not separate the mother and son and let her child be raised by others. You must know that only Only concubines with the concubine rank or above can raise children.

Aunt Zhao came over in a hurry, "My lord, Eunuch Liang has gone to Concubine Ma Jia to issue the imperial edict. Concubine Ma Jia will be the concubine from now on." "

My lord, I know." Wu Yafangyi If you think about it, it seems that the first queen's actions have affected many people, and now it is Ma Jia who occupies the position of concubine.

Zhao Jin looked happy and hurriedly walked up to her, "My lord, Eunuch Liang has come to Zhongcui Palace."

A hint of joy appeared on Wu Yafangyi's face, but she calmed down immediately. She was not the only concubine in Zhongcui Palace. As for Guo Luoluo, in her impression, Guo Luoluo was also a concubine.

However, Guo Luoluo had no qualifications, and although he still had a child in his belly, if the emperor put Guo Luoluo in the front position, he might not be convinced.

Just hope it's what she thought.

"My lord, Eunuch Liang is here with us." Aunt Zhao finally couldn't help but laugh when she heard the voices coming from outside.

Wu Yafangyi breathed a sigh of relief. It would be nice to come to her. At least she was sure that Eunuch Liang was talking about the concubine this time, so she would just wait for the visitor.

"Concubine Wu Ya received the order." The voice had already arrived before the person arrived.

Wu Yafangyi immediately knelt down carefully with the support of the servants on both sides, "I am here."

Liang Jiugong opened the imperial edict and said loudly: "By the fate of heaven, the emperor's edict says: Concubine Wu Ya's family is Shushen, Nashun She is innocent and has a kind nature. I will immediately confer you

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