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Lucy's in the living room reading her favourite novel as I cook dinner. "hey love" she says as she calls out to me. Our 1 year anniversary is tomorrow but we are having dinner tonight to celebrate because she has an interview with the boys tomorrow. "What is it baby?" I call from the kitchen. "just saying hello and i love youuuuu" She calls back cheerfully not taking her eyes off the page. "You're so cute baby, I'll be out in a second." I say pausing the cooking and walking into the living room. She shuts the book on her knee and wraps her arms around me, her cheek pressing into my own. "I'm so lucky to have you" She says with a smile before kissing my cheek. "me too baby." I say smiling widely at her. "are you making me something good? not that anything you make isn't good but.." She says in anticipation. "mhm, but you gotta wait ok? I want it to be a surprise."
"but i'm so exciteddd" she whines hugging me closer. "I know honey, if you let me get back to it you'll get it sooner." "okayyyy" She says pouting. "I love youuu" She says planting small kisses on my neck. "I love you too Luce. I gotta finish dinner ok?" I say. She giggles. "of course.. go finish it off" She sits back down and turns her attention back to her book. I walk back to the kitchen and continue cooking. After a while longer I'm finished cooking. I set up plates and put a vase of flowers on the table. I make everything look nice before serving up our dinner and walking into the living room. I smile and hold out my hand for her. She returns my smile and takes my hand standing up. "I hope you like it." I say as I lead her into the kitchen. In the kitchen she sees a nice, romantic set up, candles and a little bouquet of flowers on the table as she sees the plates of amazing food "wow" her mouth was open her eyes lit up with joy. "babe did you do all of this?". I smile at her reaction. "Of course, anything for my girl." I place a small peck on her cheek. "Let's sit." I pull out her chair. "Thank you baby." she replies, sitting down. The rest of the night is filled with laughs and smiles. Both of us enjoying the time together. We now find ourselves cuddled up in bed, Lucy reading her book while I just lay in her lap my eyes watching her. Admiring all her beauty. I start to slowly drift off after a few moments. She gently places a hand on my cheek. "Baby, cmon let's get you into bed properly." I groan before sitting up. I get under the cover and she tucks us both in. She puts her book on the side table and turns the lamp off. "Goodnight and Happy one year sweetheart." she says placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "Goodnight and Happy one year, my love." I return the kiss. We both lie down and slowly fall asleep, warm in eachother's embrace. I'm gonna love this girl till the day I die.

Hi so I probably won't do A/N's on these usually but I just wanted to say, Hi!! welcome to the first chapter of these one-shots. Hope you enjoyed this one and continue to enjoy them!!!
byeee :D

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