ALL | If they found out you were a bad person

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Uhh I have writers block- anyway your actions for being a bad person isn't said soo you get to decide

REQUESTED BY: acidshark112009



At first he would be in shock

• Like the person he's loved turns out it be a horrible person?

• I'd take him a bit to process it

• But he knows he can't stay together with you, it juts felt so wrong for him to stay with you bc of what you did so do broke up with you

• As much as it hurt him to do so


• I mean he wouldn't really care-

• Like if it was something absolutely horrible then he would leave you

• But for the part he'd just stay being friends with you


He would be disgusted when he found out about your actions

• He'd confront you about it and then start telling you how he couldn't stay if you

• Even if he did yell at you and say how he didn't want to be with you, it hurt him so much to say

• Since you were basically his best friends and the person he would go to for everything


• She was in denial for a bit

• Like the love of her life doing those things? No! That's not the person she knows

• Crafty soon couldn't denie it and knew she didn't want to stay together with you

• She'd break up with you and after that be depressed for a while

• Heart broken that yall were broken up and because of what you did



• She'd break up with you

• (im sorry I genuinely have nothing for her)


When she found out she didn't knwo how to react

• She's try to ignore what you did but deep down she knew she would have to dump you, as much as she would try to forget about it

• After a bit she'd break up with you


• She'd be in denial

• Bobby would try to make excuses on what you did wasn't true

• She just couldn't believe that you could do that

• After she finally came to terms on what you did she'd break it off with you


• Right as he found what what you did he'd call you out

• He'd yell at you saying what you did was horrible and disgusting and break up with you right there

• Not saying that it was easy for him to no, it pained him so much to

• But the thought of what you had done made it easier for him to break it off


Yeah uh I have no energy or ideas to write

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