Chapter 6: Living a Lie

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Kastali Dun

Marrian stared at herself in the mirror, touching her new face, studying her foreign features. She expelled a loud breath. In years' past, she'd never considered herself bad-looking, per se. But to wear the face of the queen? Gods, she looked positively divine.

Heat flushed her cheeks. She shouldn't think like that. It made her seem pathetic. There was nothing wrong with the way she normally looked, with her nearly midnight black hair and blue eyes. Her generous curves, wide hips, and gentle smile. She wasn't used to being skinny and toned. It felt...different. Not good or bad. Just different.

It was the turquoise markings though. That was the strangest bit of all this. They scrolled across her skin—

A loud knock sounded before her bedroom door opened. "Forgive us, Your Majesty. But we must get started."

"Merrian," she corrected. "Or Mer, if you'd prefer."

"Your Majesty," the spriten woman returned, sounding only mildly exasperated. "Ayas Drollaya. We were told by our princess that we must use your titles and your disguise-name at all times."

At all times?! Her heart skipped a beat. "Even...even when we're alone like this?"

"Even so," the sprite woman said.

And so it began.

Would she even remember herself when this was all over? What she looked like? Who she was?

"I am Selphie Norin," the sprite woman said, pulling her from her dark thoughts. "This is Miera Balleth. We are Queen Claire's—your—handmaidens. Our common tongue is...improving. But, if you find the accent or understanding us difficult, please ask to repeat."

"I think your accent and your common tongue usage is fine. I understand you well."

"Good." Selphie nodded.

Gods, they were both so...ethereal. So otherworldly. To think, they'd be serving her. She'd never, in all her life, had someone to wait on her hand and foot. Sure, she'd been more privileged than most after discovering her magic.

"Where are you from?" Miera asked, striding forward to lay a gown across the bed.

"Oh. I... The north, initially. I trained there, mastered my magic with the mages at Northedge. I eventually made my way south. I've been living in Kastali Dun for...ten years now?"

Miera nodded. Arranging the fabric to her liking before glancing around.

"Come, we must prepare you for the evening meal." Selphie made to remove her robe. "It will be your debut back into society."

"Wait! Tonight?!" she all but barked, holding tight to the fabric that hid her nakedness. "Shouldn't I...practice first?"

"No need for practice," Selphie said. "Come, we are no stranger to nudity. We must dress you."

Nerves overtook Mer's entire body. No need for practice? Shouldn't she at least...get trained on the queen's mannerisms? Even the king—Lord Reyr—had said she was a sorry excuse for Claire. It had hurt, more than she wanted to admit. Of course she'd never be so lucky to be that amazing. To be a real queen, even if the woman had started off an outsider.

Mer sighed, lifting her chin. This was her first test. She might as well act like a queen if she was going to be one for the foreseeable future. "Very well then, get me dressed."

"Good!" Selphie clapped her hands together.

Admittedly, she was rather eager to try on the gown they'd brought. It looked positively divine—nicer than anything she'd ever put on her body. Would she feel like a queen in it?

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