1. introductions

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The tube ride was boring and plain, and Evelyn was feeling grimy from it. The scenery would've been nice if she hadn't been so exhausted. Harry was lucky she loved him. If she was being honest, she was ecstatic to see her brother again.

Although they lived a 2 hour train ride from each other, they hadn't seen each other in person for ages due to her schooling and his filming. She was also looking forward to meeting Harry's friends, whom she also hasn't yet met.

After what felt like eons of sitting and fighting to stay awake, the train pulled into the station and lurched to a stop. The station name was announced by an automated voice, but Evelyn was far too tired and focused to actually make out any words. She grabbed her suitcase and bag and lugged them out of the tube onto the platform. Her eyes scanned the crowd before they settled on Harry, who was looking back at her with a big grin.

"EVELYN! IT'S EVELYN MY DEAR SISTER!" he says with a booming voice and a toothy smile. He ran to her as she laughed with an embarrassed flush before embracing her brother in a hug.

"Yes, hello you big oaf." she said with a laugh. "I missed you." she said sincerely as she squeezed him before they separated. Harry looked at her with a scrutinizing look.

"How have you not grown since I've seen you last?" he asked as he double checked how tall she stood against him.

"I'm 5'3, you idiot. You're only 5'10." she grumbled with an eye roll and a glare. "I'm taller than half your friends!" she exaggerated.

Harry merely broke out into laughter as he grabbed her suitcase for her and began to lead her out of the train station and to the parking lot. The pair walked to Harry's car and he was chatting the whole time. Evelyn was laughing at his stories and memories from when they saw each other last. As the siblings made their way through the traffic, they jammed out to songs off of Evelyn's playlist.

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After a car ride that felt both slow and quick at the same time, the siblings pulled up to a large house with gorgeous bricks and a large, well-kept lawn. She looked around and smiled, a sense of admiration for her brother and his clear success.

They both exited the car and Evelyn looked over to Harry. "Y'know, this place makes my flat look like a shed." she confessed with a laugh. Her brother just laughed with her, shaking his head slightly to shift his hair around. Evelyn grabbed her luggage out from the trunk and followed her older brother's lead to the front door as she nibbled on her lip - a habit she had picked up from her youth. He opened the door wide and stepped inside, Evelyn following after him.

"Oh wow.." she said as she looked around the front area of the house, a gleam of awe in her eyes. "The FaceTime tour did not do this place justice." Harry stood awkwardly in the room with her, unsure of what to do.

"So, am I staying in a guest room?" Evelyn asked to give him an idea. "Maybe you can show me to the room?"

He smiles and nods at her. "Yes, that's a good idea! It's up these stairs. Your room is at the end of the hall. It's next to Tobi's and across from Simon, but they're both quiet so you'll be fine." he assures her as they come to a stop in front of a door. He nods for her to go in and she smiles at the place.

"This is lovely. Thank you for letting me stay here, Har." she turned and hugged her brother with a content sigh. He immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"Well I'll let you get unpacked," he said as they broke apart. "Meet downstairs for dinner after you're done?" he said to which she replied with a nod. Harry turned and left her alone in the room, so she closed the door and began to unpack her clothes into the closet. She wasn't yet sure how long she would be staying for, as she had just finished her schooling and was looking to move from her small apartment. That was a topic to think about another time, as for now she was here to have fun with her brother and his friends.

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