Update - New Book: The Boy Next Door.

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As you all know, I said in the last chapter that I would try to make a sequel. I have tried my best to do so but I was having trouble coming up with ideas for it as I only had a few. I'm really sorry to disappoint but I have something that might cheer some people up! Although I didn't write a sequel to this, I did write another story that I have many ideas for and I think it'll be really enjoyable. It's also about teen pregnancy but a much different plot, and hopefully you all find it as good as this book! If you don't want to read, I understand but I would really appreciate it if you gave it a try and check it out. I'll upload the first chapter here, so you guys can read it and see if you like it. I'm also uploading the first chapter and the other chapters as a new story, so I'll leave the link here and if the link doesn't work for some people, please just look at my profile and it'll be there. So if you do want to read another chapter, please look for the book on my profile to read it as I'm only uploading the FIRST chapter here to see if people want to read on. And it is only the first chapter so it won't be that good, so please read a few more chapters before deciding if you like or dislike it. I will have the second chapter for the new book uploaded in two weeks! Thank you all again for reading this book and I hope you check out my new one :).

Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/43540322-the-boy-next-door

Chapter 1:

Xaviera's POV: (pronounced zay-vee-air-ah.)

I rub my sleepy eyes and yawn. My head spins and I feel a piercing pain go through it. Stupid hangovers, I didn't even want to drink last night, let alone get drunk. I don't know what overcame me to drink, I can't remember anything. A groan escapes my lips and I move to get up. I stop suddenly and immediately when I feel something brush off my foot. What the fuck is that beside me...? I ever so slowly turn around to face whatever is there and when I see him, I almost scream with shock. The whole of last night's events come back to me. You fucking idiot, Xaviera, why did you do that?!

*Flashback to the previous day.*

"Hey, guys," I greet, giving my friends a smile. Ofelia, my twin sister, sits on my right, my friend Calla sits on the left of me and my other friends Heather, Winter sit opposite me.

"Hey, Zavy," they reply with smiles. Zavy is my nickname my friends call me and it's pronounced zay-vee. I continue to read my book, like I did every lunch, I'm a really big bookworm. The others get out their lunch and start eating it. Ofelia gets a text and starts texting back straight away. My sister is very girly, I'm girly too but she's definitely more. Ofelia startles us by squealing with excitement and turns to face us.

"I totally forgot about the party tomorrow!" Ofelia says excitedly.

"How could you forget?" Calla asks, Ofelia never forgets when a popular party was on. One of the total players on the football team is having a big party for my swimming team winning The Senior Championships. I'm the school's best swimmer and the captain of the swimming team and Lane, who's in my year, is the second best swimmer and co-captain.

Lane is one of the hottest guys in school and I get to see him two days after school, sometimes three or four. I'm so lucky! I don't know him that much, we chat a bit and hug after winning competitions but from the amount I've talked to him, I've learned he's really sweet and kind. He has light brown hair with shaggy bangs and these light green eyes that make him to die for. His body is so fit, he has a six pack, huge biceps and he's quite tall. Luckily, I get to see that chest every Monday and Thursday!

We've never been to a party before but my sister and friends have been to lots. They've invited me to come all of the times but I didn't want to because I'm not the party person, I'm a loner. I don't get why parties are so important anyway, all people do is get drunk, dance, make out or worse and then have a massive hangover the next day.

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