37. The Secret

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(Avoid the mistakes guys)

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(Avoid the mistakes guys)



Shalini and Chandramukhi sat together, their fingers deftly weaving garlands of vibrant flowers. As they worked, their laughter echoed through the room, filling the air with a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

"Oh, the garlands are coming along beautifully," Malini remarked as she entered the palace, her presence commanding attention.

"Who knows, someone might need them very soon," Shalini quipped with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Yes, you're right," Malini replied with a smile, settling into a nearby chair.

Just as Malini rose to leave, Chandramukhi's foot accidentally tripped her, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground with a thud.

"Look at you, Malini ji" Chandramukhi teased, prompting Shalini to burst into laughter.

"You, I won't let you off so easily," Malini threatened dangerously as she rose to her feet and advanced towards Chandramukhi.

"Stop right there, or I might forget my manners," Shalini interjected with a smirk, causing Malini to shoot her a glare before storming off to the exit.

"Hello," Malini called out to her trusted aide as he picked up the phone.

"Yes, madam," her aide responded.

"I encountered a girl today. I've sent you her picture. Have it ready by this evening. I'll give you further instructions then," Malini ordered, her tone tinged with frustration.

"Yes, madam," her aide confirmed before Malini abruptly hung up the phone, her anger palpable in the air.

"You dared to threaten me? Now you won't survive another day in this palace, let alone this world," Malini muttered to herself as she settled into her car with a steely resolve, her mind already racing with plans for vengeance.



As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the temple grounds, Shalini and Chandramukhi emerged from the sacred sanctuary, their spirits uplifted by the prayers they had offered to the divine.

Chandu ushered Shalini towards their waiting car, as she needed to retrieve something before they departed.

Shalini walked towards their car, her movements slow and fluid in the fading light. But before she could reach the vehicle, a sudden commotion erupted as a car screeched to a halt beside them, and Shalini was forcefully pulled inside by unseen hands.

"Let me go! Who are you?" Shalini cried out, her voice tinged with fear as she struggled against her captors.

"Your end," came the chilling reply from one of the men, their faces obscured by shadows.

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