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Walking into the monastery, none of the group could bare to look at Wu or Misako

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Walking into the monastery, none of the group could bare to look at Wu or Misako.

“What is it?” Wu looks at Misako in worry.

“It's Cole. He—He…” Nya stutters.

“He's gone.” Jay says.

“He fell into the darkness.”

Wu blinks rapidly, stunned by the news, “A-And the Realm Crystal?”

Lloyd frowned, “We destroyed it, but it didn't stop them.”

“What do we do now?” Misako asks.

Garmadon appears at the gateway, “Luckily, you have me.”


“Misako. The old me would have something heartfelt and sweet. But, I am no longer that man.” He walks towards Wu. “Wu, wipe that gloomy look off your face and do something with this.” He tosses the Golden Armor at Wu, and walks away.

Wu catches it, “The Armor of the Golden Master.”

Nya stepped up, “If we melt it down and reforge the weapons of Spinjitzu, we might still have a chance.”

“Prepare the forge.”

Kai sighs, “I guess I better get to it, huh?”

“Kai, you're the Master of Fire. You can do this.” Nya encourages him

“Yeah. Right. How hard can it be?” he takes the armor from Wu, and walks to the forge.

He manages to forge each weapon back to their glory days.

Just like when I first got to this world.

“The Sword of Fire. The Nunchucks of Lightning. Shurikens of Ice. And the Scythe...The Scythe of Quakes.” Kai turns to Nya.

“That was Cole's.”

“I think he'd want you to have it.”

A monk rings a bell, a warning for what we already knew was going on.

“The darkness.” I mutter.

“It's here.”


“Come on, into the monastery.” I smile, leading rescued citizen onto the building. “You'll all be safe here! Trust me.”

Misako runs into the monastery, Faith comes out with a sword.

“Faith! You're not healed enough to fight.”

She nods to me, “If the end is coming, I will face it on my feet.”

Sighing, I nodded watching her walk out with the others.

“As will I.” Wu adds walking out the gates to join the ninja as well.

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