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With pms being ctrl alt deleted, if you have any questions you would like to ask me privately, please either email me ( or reach out to me on Discord. I will leave a link here.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Ya girl did it again. The reviews are over 26k words long for nine stories!

 The reviews are over 26k words long for nine stories!

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My typing speed go brrr thanks to my fast hands. My future husband is gonna live such a happy life.

Anyway. Sorry, that wasn't Raven, that was my alter ego: Crow.

I edited this from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. (just about 6 a.m. rn), so if there are any errors, I apologize, I've slept maybe 10 hours in the past two to three days, idek. Finals season is so fun.

I copy and pasted usernames right from your forms, so if I tagged anyone wrong, please let me know so I can fix it asap! Copy and paste errors happen, so if you don't see yourself in the reviews, please let me know.

Please do not argue with me. Remember this is for fun and all personal opinion. I don't give harsh feedback, just honest feedback. I can't promise it won't sting cause I'm still honest, but I will not be using words like "cringe" and "ugly" to try and insult you like harsh feedback does. You're of course entitled to your own opinion and you can disagree with everything I say if you want, but that doesn't mean you should be rude to me. Remember I'm judging by myself, so please be respectful.

Remember I'm giving a reader's perspective. Just because something is clear to you doesn't mean it's clear to me. You're the writer, you know everything about your story. Readers don't. Keep that in mind.

I ask that when you're reading your reviews, you read the whole thing before asking questions. Sometimes it takes me more than one paragraph to explain what I mean, so your question could be answered later in the review.

I'm one person doing this and trying to be as helpful as I can. If nothing about the review is helpful to you, then just ignore it. I'm not going to be offended. We're all different writers using different styles, so my suggestions may sound outlandish to you while to my style they would fit in perfectly. I always, and I mean always, encourage you to find your own style and don't just blindly listen to my suggestions because I'm the one giving them. I'm not always right, and my opinion is one in a sea of billions. Please keep that in mind while reading your review.

With the new Wattpad guidelines, I am going to be censoring more words than normal just to be safe, so if you see any censored words, that's why.

There are five total winners. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place as well as two honorable mentions.

If you have any questions, please let me know! I am working on a few categories currently. Completed, best fanfic, and horror are currently being worked on. I'm not sure which one will be published first.

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