Chapter 5: A Big Discovery

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SMG3 and Mr Puzzles had finally made it to the top of the beanstalk. It wouldn't of felt so long if SMG3 hadn't complained the entire time, nor climbed each individual leaf as slowly as possible just to spite his new acquaintance. He had been so salty, not only because he had to climb a beanstalk and confront a giant, but also because he was bummed about his dress being practically destroyed. That tear had turned into a large slash across the hem by the time SMG3 had finished his climb.
Instead of feeling the relief that he should've, he felt infuriated! He even forgot why he was supposed to be here.
And it didn't help any that his new "friend" wasn't at least a little sympathetic for his unfortanince.
"We're here!" Mr Puzzles had finally exclaimed in a sing-songy tone. When he hopped off of the leaf and down onto the clouds, he turned back to see the princess struggling.
SMG3 turned to look down at Mr Puzzles, but before he could say anything, Mr Puzzles had suddenly punched the plant, causing it to shake, making SMG3 fall on top of the clouds with a ploof!
"AHHH! YOU IDIOT!" SMG3 shouted. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! I COULD'VE FELL THROUGH THE...." He paused. "Wait... I'm not..." SMG3 began to pat down the clouds violently, like a cat chasing a red dot. He gasped. "I'M NOT FALLING THROUGH!"
"Well of course you're not, princess." Mr Puzzles chuckled, but it sounded forced. "Did you ever think to look behind you?"
"Wha..." By his words, SMG3 slowly began to rotate his head. What he saw made him audibly gasp.
It was a castle! A very large one on top of that!
His castle was nothing compared to this one. Size wise, anyway.
SMG3's eyes sparkled like stars. "Woah..." His hyperfixation on the castle had made him completely forget about his dress and his exhaustion.
His smile growing big, he jumped back up to his feet and ran towards the castle at full speed. "Gold and treasure, here I come!"
Exclaiming in joy, SMG3 had also completely forgotten about the supposed threat to him and Mr Puzzles, running under the door crack with ease.
He was so caught up in the moment, he didn't even take the time to look around the castle. He just wanted the gold.
Behind him, Mr Puzzles followed from a distance, smiling at him. But not for the reason you'd expect...
"DAMN, WHERE'S THAT GOLD! TV DUDE, I THOUGHT THEIR WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GOLD IN HERE AND A--" His voice turned into a wheeze. "A... a giant.."
As if slowly coming back to his senses, SMG3 began to freak out. "Oh shit oh shit OH SHIT!" Turning back towards Mr Puzzles he breathed. "UM DUDE, WE GOTTA LEAVE... NOW..."
Instead of sharing SMG3's fear, Mr Puzzle's smile grew wider. "But why, your majesty? I don't see any issue."
"Oh I don't know," SMG3 shrugged. "Maybe because their's a GIANT IN HERE WAITING TO GOBBLE US UP?" Grabbing Mr Puzzle's arm, SMG3 snapped. "LETS GO! I'M NOT STAYING IN HERE ANOTHER MINUTE!"
"But princess, what about Boop's gold-?"
SMG3 at that moment got ready to bolt back out the door. But right before he could take another step...






SMG3's heart sunk.


We... we were too late...
Dreading to see where the noise was coming from, SMG3 forced himself to look over his shoulder anyway. He already knew what he was about to face... and he was not ready.
A giant had suddenly appeared from the corner, stopping to see where he had heard a strange noise. When his eyes locked with SMG3's, his pupils became microscopic, and he let out a loud bellow.
Every part of SMG3 was telling him to run for his life, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to actually do it.
He was frozen in fear.
When the giant got closer, he could feel his footsteps shake the earth, preventing him from moving anyway.
I guess this is it, huh... SMG3 squinted his eyes shut. This is the end SMG3. Say goodbye to everything you liked in this world...

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