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Armed with a flaming torch, Henry caught sight of his daughter Anna's grave and read the words engraved on the tombstone, which seemed to burn in the flickering light of the flame. Each letter seemed to come to life, illuminated by the dancing fire around it, revealing the raw truth of the loss he had endured.

The engraved words were like echoes from the past, memories frozen in stone, reminding Henry of all he had lost. The sadness of his loss, the anger at the cruel fate that had taken his daughter, but also the unconditional love he had for her, which still burned brightly in his heart.

And in this moment of silent communion with his beloved daughter, Henry felt a glimmer of hope stirring within him. For even though she was no longer physically present, he knew she would live on eternally in his heart, lighting his way through the darkness of his grief. And with this comforting thought, he stood in reverence before her grave, honoring her memory and finding solace in their eternal love.

Annabelle Lemoine

October 1954 - October 1962

Anna, my dear daughter,

Your memory dwells in our hearts.

Rest in peace,

Your love remains our light.

The mere sight of his daughter's name, Anna, reminded him of the happy memories they had shared, but also of the devastating pain of her loss. Henry remembered his daughter's joyful laughter, her radiant smiles that once brightened his life.

But now, all he had left was this tombstone, this solemn marker of her past presence. Yet, despite the unbearable pain that overwhelmed him, he couldn't help but come back, again and again, to honor his daughter's memory. For to him, each visit to her grave was a way to stay connected with her, to perpetuate her memory in the world of the living.

In this moment of deep introspection, Henry felt the full weight of his loss with a heartbreaking intensity. His heart ached painfully in his chest, each beat resonating like an echo of his sorrow. He felt as if he were enchanted by the aura of sadness that pervaded the air around him, unable to contain the emotion that engulfed him. He stood there, frozen, allowing the wave of grief to wash over him, as if he had to confront this pain in order to continue moving forward.

In this poignant solitude, Henry felt more connected to his daughter than ever before, his love for her transcending even the barrier of death. The pain of his loss weighed on him like a chain, keeping him prisoner of his own torments.

But even in the darkness of his grief, a glimmer of hope persisted. For he knew that the love he bore for his daughter was stronger than anything, capable of transcending even death itself. And it was this thought that gave him the strength to keep moving forward, even amidst the crushing darkness of his sorrow.
- Papounet, do you think I'll be like mommy when I grow up?" Anna asked her father.
- Of course, my dear. Your mommy is a wonderful person, but you will develop your own unique personality as you grow. You will be who you want to be, with your own traits and characteristics.
Seeing that his daughter looked at him credulously, he reiterated:
- You are already so special in my eyes, and you will continue to grow and flourish in exceptional ways. Never doubt the incredible person you are destined to become.

The father and daughter's gazes met, and in that silent exchange, a profound connection was forged. It was as if their souls met beyond words, evoking a spiritual and emotional union that transcended time and space.

The flame of the torch flickered in the nocturnal wind, as if even nature itself mourned the loss of this dear soul. Every movement of the flame seemed to echo Henry's torment, a tangible manifestation of his pain and sorrow.

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