motherly love...

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Hey guys, so this one is gonna be a little sad but also really cute plus there's a poem in here which will probably suck but have fun!

again thanks so much for reading



The text comes just as I step into the cab. 

Mum: Honey, I really am sorry, you know that I love you, I miss you and I know I've made mistakes but please just come back home. Please trust me when I say that I love you, and that I'm going to get better.

A solemn chuckle escapes my lips. Trust me, my ass. Every few days my mother would try and get me to come back home, and every few days I would buy a tub of rocky road, watch charlies angels and sob my eyes out. Fun. 

I knew she didn't really miss me, she missed the fact that I would clean up all the beer bottles in the house, and go out and get groceries, and do the laundry and god knows what else. Im not sadistic I swear, I just get a little happy knowing her life is falling apart without me there. 

I was her punching bag and her daughter all wrapped up in one, she would come home yelling and drunk one minute, and the next she would take me out for dinner with money we didn't have. Even though the memories were there, imprinted in my brain like a movie on repeat, I could feel myself wanting to text her back, to forgive her.

 I always fucking do this, I forget about what I was feeling when someone screws me over, and then it doesnt seem so bad anymore. And I think, maybe I'm overreacting, they seem really sorry. And I make a thousand excuses for them and it all leads to me getting hurt. Every fucking time. 

But not this time. Tonight I'm holding it together, for Evelyn. She needs me, and I need to forget about my sorry excuse for a mother. As the cab rounds the corner of the restaurant, I see the building come into sight and a slight gasp escapes my lips. 

The stone steps line the front before meeting a marble lobby filled with little gold ornaments and the most gorgeous chandelier hanging delicately from the ceiling. Holy shit. My heels clack against the stone of the steps as I enter the building, swinging my head around to look for Evelyn.

"This place is something else, isn't it." Evelyn grins as she walks up behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I turn to give her a hug, pulling her in tight.

"How are you eve?" I whisper, still hugging her. Almost instantly, she pulls out of my grasps and grabs my shoulders.

"Look Hailey, I know you're worried about me, and I know I keep telling you I'm fine. And I know you know I'm lying," She puts both hands on my shoulders and looks my in the eyes, willing me to understand, "but tonight, I want to forget about all of that, I don't want you walking on eggshells around me, or being worried, I just want things to be normal. Just for tonight. Please" 

I smile at her, understanding what she needs from me right now. She doesn't need someone to talk to about what she's going through, she needs someone to help her escape it. And sure thats not the healthiest way to deal with life, but hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

"Okay then, time to get drunk off our asses" I laugh as I steer her through the building towards the holy shrine of escapism, the tried and tested method for us screwed up girls. The bar. 


I don't think I know how to walk anymore, Eve has her arm around my shoulders and mine is wrapped tightly around her waist as we walk towards the taxi stand. Well tumble towards is probably more accurate. My head spins as Eve rests more of her weight on me and I trip on the pavement before catching myself and hauling us both upright. 

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