49. i don't care if you've changed

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narrative and instagram
kate's pov

The doctors said the surgery was only supposed to take an hour but it feels like decades have passed with us just sitting in the waiting room. My leg is bouncing up and down as my nerves run wild within me; Cait is sitting to my left holding my hand in hers knowing that it would calm me down and Leah is sitting to my right with her head resting on my shoulder. I have no clue how unraveled I would be right now if they weren't with me.

I had texted Jada to keep her updated, as well as just letting Florence and Keegan know. They were surely worried, but Flo hadn't replied to my texts in a couple of hours.

"Kate?" I hear a familiar voice and I immediately look up.

My eyes landed on Florence. Keegan is behind her. Both of them look worried out of their minds. Caitlin removes her hand from mine and Leah lifts her head as Florence continues towards the three of us and I could tell she had been crying.

I stand up slowly from my chair and close the space between the two of us; Florence wrapping her arms around my neck and mine go around her waist as if it's muscle memory. "What happened?" She asks in a soft voice trying so hard not to let the tears overcome and I pull her closer to me, "Her appendix burst, the doctor's took her into emergency surgery."

A small gasp leaves her lips and Keegan steps toward me. He gently hits his hand against my shoulder.

"She's gonna be fine," I say, trying to reassure them and myself.

"Have we gotten any updates from her surgical team?" Keegan asks in a monotone voice and I shake my head, "Nothing yet but the surgery has only been happening for twenty minutes, if anything bad happened we would've heard by now." I say taking a deep breath and Keegan nods in agreement.

"I have to go call Kris, give him an update. I was on the phone with him when you texted Flo." Keegan explains as he points back towards the hospital's entrance and I nod still holding my girlfriend's best friend, "Alright."

I watch him walk away and Florence pulls back from our embrace to look at me with a soft frown on her face and fresh tears on her cheeks. She is emanating the feelings I am going through inside perfectly and all I want to do is crumble into pieces alongside her.

"Let's go sit." I say reassuringly as I extend my hand out towards her and she nods, "Okay."

The two of us walk back towards Cait and Leah hand in hand and they flash soft smiles at Florence. "Hey there, Flo," Cait says sweetly and Florence gives her a small wave, "Hey, Cait."

Florence gently pulls Leah into her side, squeezing her a bit.

It was amazing to see how many people love my girl like I do and care so much about her.

Both of my hands are now being held; one by Cait and the other by Florence and I can finally take a deep centering breath. Everything feels at peace now that we are all together.

¹ two people,  kate martin Where stories live. Discover now