Chapter 33

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Alex's POV

Stepping out of the limo, I paled. Max and Harper also got out of the limo. "This isn't a town." I stated, looking at all the people walking through the streets and all the cars.

I turned to Harper who yawned, one hand in her pocket with the other over Max's shoulders. She was really excited, unable to keep still, a big twinkle was in her eyes and she had a huge grin.

She was looking all over the place which was kind of making me dizzy the longer I stared at her so I looked back at Harper. "Town, city, same thing."

I tilted my head, wandering if she was always this dumb. "No it's not." I sighed, rubbing my forehead. All I wanted was a quiet afternoon. Thank goodness I brought my hat and this skirt was long enough to hide my tail. I don't want people staring at me.

Still with that twinkle in her eyes, Max slipped out of Harper's hold and began looking around excitedly at all the stores.

"Babe, Eli gave you her black card right?" Max asked, looking back at us. "Yeah." She got even more excited when hearing that. "Great! No limit! Let's go! I'm gonna put a dent in Eli's wallet."

"I don't think that's possible."

Max started walking through the streets, spotting any good store she wanted to go in. We followed after her.

With so many people, there were a loud of loud noises which I hate. Under my hat, my ears flattened. This was a bad idea.

After a while of walking, I bumping into someone, I turned to them and apologized. Looking up at him, my eyes widened when I saw scales and horns similar to a goats.

He waved me off and went back to doing what he was doing. Staring at him for a moment, I snapped out of it and turned back to see the pair a little far from me. I ran to catch up.

Looking around more closely, a lot of people don't look like werewolves. A lot of them had features to be demons, dragons, witches, weretigers, or just looked like plain humans which means it was a disguise. No humans are supposed to know about us.

Is it okay to be here? I don't wanna get into trouble. I turned to Harper, she was walking beside me, not paying much attention to anything. "Is it okay for us to be here?"

"This is neutral ground. Fights between species aren't submitted. There are areas for a specie but anyone is allowed in if they don't caused trouble. So be on your best behavior." I sighed in relief. Well that's good to hear.

Passing by some people with horns and demon-like wings, they gave a slight bow when they noticed Harper. "What's that about?"

"Lower rank demons tend to bow whenever they see a higher rank demon such as myself."

Come to think of it, I don't know anything about Harper's past. I mean, I only found out recently that I'm mated to her eldest sister- What. Does that mean we're family now?

I looked back at Harper. "I actually don't know much about your past. What type of high ranking demons are you?" What type of high ranking demon is my mate?

Harper sighed and rubbed the back of her head. "I'm the Sin of Sloth." What? "But before that, I was the fourth princess of Hell, still am." I stopped in my tracks. Is she saying that I'm friends with a little princess?

Seeing that I stopped, Harper turned back to me, seeing me pale. "What's wrong?" What's wrong? I'm friends with a princess? A no one like me knows a princess!

"It's nothing." Harper looked like she didn't believe me but didn't press on it. She turned back to see Max entering the first clothing store, not waiting for us. "Let's go before Max's buys the entire store."

Nodding my head, I followed Harper to the store that Max went in.

We were in that clothing store for hours. Even though she doesn't look like it, Max is a fangirl to clothing.

My fashion taste is close to nonexistent so I was just ready to died the first ten minutes we were there.

Harper wasn't a cloths person either so she was just following Max around, carrying whatever Max handed her.

In the end, the total e was around five thousand dollars. Which caused me to have a small heart attack. I've never seen someone spent so much money in one place.

It was like this store after store, getting worst and worst as we progressed. By around five pm, I was exhausted. Sitting on a bench while Max put her bags in the limo for the sixth time. As I watched her, I took a mental note to never go shopping with her again.

That was pure hell.

Hearing someone sit next to me, I turned my head to see Harper, also looking exhausted. "I wanna take a nap." She yawned, rubbing her eyes, and leaning back against the bench.

I stared at her, studying her features as I remembered what Eli looked liked. Harper was a little taller then me and had more muscles then Eli but didn't have the scary expression unlike my mate.

What about her other two sisters? I didn't know about them until recently. Won't hurt to ask who they are. "You said you had, three sisters. Who are they?"

Harper didn't glance over at me when she answered. "First there's Eli, Sophie, Jorden, then me. We all have white hair and red eyes so it's easy to piece together that we're sisters."

"How come I've never seen them before?" Harper shrugged. "Jordan and Sophie were always busy with their own lives, the same with me."

I guess that makes since. Demons do have a long life span so it doesn't really matter if they don't see each other for a few years.

The same goes with Elves. I wander how old Ben is-Wait, how old is everyone else? Zack's a demon, Zila and Zarah are hounds, Liz I know for sure is a werewolf, I don't know about Nini, and I think Max is around my age.

If I'm the youngest I'm going to lose it. That'll be so embarrassing.

"Hey little 'mega." Is someone talking to me? That voice sounds familiar. Turning my head I saw her majesty, Queen Emma, and a tall, muscular woman that smelled like a cat.

It feels like I bumped into her before but I can't place where which is frustrating.

"Umm...hello." The tall woman grinned while her majesty made her way over to me. Her expression was somewhat more happy than at the party. It's been a while since I last saw her. "How's your day going."

"Alright." Queen Emma said, taking a seat beside me as the other woman stood behind the bench, her arms crossed as she laid them on top of the bench, resting her chin on them. "Tay and I finished our work when we decided to head until down to have some lunch. Then, we bumped into you."

I feel like a queen wouldn't just go into a city an hour away just for lunch. And looking around, I don't spot any guards with them.

"You should have lunch with us." The woman said, still grinned. Noticing that the her head was too close for comfort, I pushed her away. Feeling sparks when doing so. Weird.

"No thanks. I don't think it would be appropriate for an omega like me to go have lunch with her majesty and a random woman."

I heard muffled laughter behind me but ignored it. Queen Emma and her friend looked shocked for a moment before her majesty started to laugh.

She tried to hold back her laughter only to fail. I stared at her confused, head tilted, wondering what I said that was so funny.

I better have not embarrassed myself in-front of her majesty.


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