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Ch 8: Insatiable Craving

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Hesitating for a moment, I stare at Luce's outstretched hand. Am I ready for this? I'm not sure I will ever truly be. The reaction I have whenever he touches me is frightening in its intensity.

But I must do this. If tonight proved anything, it's that I'm in over my head. As much as I hate the idea that I'm not enough to keep my sisters safe, having met Azazel, I know I need help. And Luce is my best bet.

I take his hand, barely holding back a gasp when desire rushes through me, heating my core. The world is much bigger and far more dangerous than I ever realised, and if allowing Luce this simple thing will make him more powerful and better able to keep my sisters safe... Then it's the best course of action. The only course of action. I've got this.

All I need to do is not fall for him.

The hunger in his gaze makes my mouth dry even as anticipation thrums beneath my skin. The ability to remain detached during our sessions dwindles before my eyes.

With a pang, I realise I want this. Want his hands on me, touching every inch. My traitorous body already leans hungrily towards him, eager for his touch. I swallow back my anxious energy. I can do this.

Sensing my inner turmoil, Luce caresses my palm with his thumb. "We'll go slow," he says gently. "We can stop at any time. Just say the word."

I nod, not trusting my voice. He's so damn sexy it's almost painful to look at him. The tuxedo from the fundraiser is gone, leaving him in only black trousers and a white shirt with several buttons undone, providing a tantalising glimpse of his flat, muscular chest underneath.

Tugging me over to his massive desk, he lifts me to sit atop its polished surface. My short dressing gown rides dangerously high on my thighs as I perch on the edge, displaying far too much bare skin.

Luce's heated gaze roams over my legs for a heartbeat before he visibly collects himself, and his dark eyes meet mine again.

"I just need to make sure we're on the same page," he says, his voice dropping an octave. "I will only touch you. Intimate touch for skimming only, nothing else. I'm still your boss and you're my employee."

Bitter disappointment burns my throat despite the fact this is exactly what I wanted. No emotions. Just a simple agreement between two people. I push the feeling down and lift my chin.

"Perfect," I say, affecting an aloof tone. "This is a business transaction only. I'm not here to sleep with you."

One of his eyebrows raises at my response and I wonder if I've overdone it. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I school my features into a bland mask, even as I feel the heat of his hands resting on my hips.

"Indeed," he says slowly, a dark gleam in his eyes. "Strictly business."

I frown. "Are you laughing at me?"

There's an unmistakable twitch at the corners of his mouth and it sparks my temper.

"I don't see what's so funny."

He smiles lazily before lifting a hand from my hip to trace feather-light touches along my cheek and throat. Every brush of his fingertips against my skin sends another wave of longing through me, and my lips part on a soft exhale.

"What's funny," he whispers as he follows the loose edges of my gown over my chest. "Is that this cannot quite be the business transaction you may want. If you remember, the more you feel..."

He pauses before smoothing his palms down my thighs. I shiver as warmth infuses me wherever his skin meets mine. The familiar heat spirals outward, reaching every cell until my body hums with sensation. I bite my lip, trying and failing to rein in my body's responses to him.

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