Chapter 435: This is life

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Zhuo Zheng had eaten canned food a few times.

The workshop would have a dish with meat every three days. There were a few occasions with canned meat, and everyone would get a huge serving of it.

Although he was a picky eater, he had to admit that canned meat was really delicious.

In addition to the can of mutton, he had also eaten the can of red braised meat once, and he liked the taste even more.

Unfortunately, he had only eaten it once.

"Do you have canned braised pork?" he asked.

The shopkeeper smiled and shook his head.

"We don't have any. We only have a few types of canned mutton and canned fruit.

"As for the other canned meat, only thirty portions are sold each day.

"Each person can only buy one. For inns and restaurants like us which serve food, we have to queue up if we want to sell or eat them."

He also liked several kinds of canned meat, but it was too difficult for him to get one.

In the past, the people here didn't like to eat pork.

Not only did it have a strong stinky smell, but it also didn't taste good.

However, after eating all kinds of canned pork, he realized that pork was actually quite delicious.

There was also chicken meat.

It turned out that there were so many ways to cook it other than boiling it.

Zhuo Zheng was also a little disappointed. "Okay, then I'll have a can of mutton stew."

"How much does it cost?" he asked.

"55 wen for a can," the shopkeeper answered.

They purchased canned food at 45 wen from the workshop, which was five wen more than the limited daily sales of the workshop, but they could earn ten wen after reselling a can, which was not bad.

Every day, after the limited canned food sale at the workshop was sold out, it would be 60 wen a can.

They were selling 5 wen cheaper than the canned food workshop, so many people would buy them.

The key was that these eateries could sell them in smaller amounts.

A can of mutton weighed a catty.

Some people were reluctant to buy a can, so they would order a bowl of noodles and a few pieces of mutton slices at the food store, which cost ten wen.

There were still many people who were willing to eat it.

Or, they could add a few pieces of mutton to the stewed vegetables.

The dish would be tastier and one would be able to have a taste of mutton too.

Currently, all the big eateries enjoyed great business.

Everyone knew that the county magistrate and his wife were caring for them, and they were very grateful.

In particular, many caravans from the Western and Arab regions, and other places had come to their county to buy canned food, soap, and wool.

In the past, these caravans would not be willing to stay overnight in their county.

However, ever since the inns and food stores were renovated and there were more homestay accommodations, these caravans all stopped by.

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