✷ 001: The Dare.

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TOO FAMOUS !      by KissLeclerc
January 07, 2024 # "Fuck It, We Ball."

COLLEGE LIFE wasn't always how Devyn pictured it to be. She didn't think she would ever accustom to partying every other weekend and downing shots nearly every night. It's not what she expected at all.

Her first year roommate was picked at random, and from the looks of social media, Devyn felt she was never going to get along with Reneé St. John, a fellow American all the way from Malibu, California.

But her assumptions were incorrect. Reneé became Devyn's other half, her soul sister. Although she's gotten on the nerves of Devyn countless times, whether it be due to Reneé coming into the dorm at the latest of hours and causing a commotion or the constant high attitude that Devyn could never adjust to so early in the morning.

She promised her parents she'd be on her best behavior. After all, it took months to convince them to let her move halfway across the globe to pursue a full ride at Cardiff.

And yet, she feels a sense of guilt. Her parents think she's in bed by 11:00PM on a Saturday night, but instead, she's usually hunched over a toilet seat, spilling her guts.

She was never able to hold her alcohol well.

It was out of character for Devyn Suzuki. Compared to most of her hometown friends who decided to stay local and do community college first, she always had the best stories to tell during nightly facetime calls for life updates and everything else.

She too, would've stayed in New York, but a full ride to a school she didn't even expect an acceptance to was the opportunity of a life time for her. She couldn't decline.

The New Yorker was currently sat at her desk, trying to study for her upcoming ethics exam, when her beloved roommate walked in with some girls from down the hall. A bottle of hard liquor rested in one of their arms as a pink and black boxed card game sat in the other's.

"DEVVY! My Loooooveee!" Reneé squealed, hopping onto the twin bed, sat beside Devyn's desk. "How are you, on this fine Welsh evening?" She smiled, bringing out a posh accent.

"I'm wonderful, thank you for asking!" Devyn said before proceeding back to her papers.

"LIAR! Because you are SOBER."

"Please, Reneé.... Renny. My dearest best friend. Not tonight. Please." Devyn pleaded. "Break is already over, and I have a 9AM tomorrow, you know this."

"Pleaseeee, we won't go on too late!" Reneé brought her hands together. "I have an 8AM class! We just want to have some fun. Sasha brought her card game she's been talking about, come onnnn!" She dragged the N.

"It's fun, Dev!" Sasha, the familiar curly haired neighbor said through her English accent, "A couple rounds won't hurt!"

"Yeah, Dev! Let's enjoy the last night of holiday!!" Sasha's roommate, Mina added on.

"Mmmm. I don't know. I also have an Ethics Exam on Wednesday." Devyn paused. "WE, have an Ethics Exam." She looked back at Mina who shrugged.

"How about this, we play tonight and I'll study with you back to back before Wednesday?" She tried to make a deal.

"I'll literally do anything. Please, Devyn. Let's have some fun! We're not hot, fun, and silly teenage girls with a healthy liver forever!" Reneé begged again as Devyn was hesitant.

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