Chapter 34

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This is a Chapter including a gay ship, if you don't feel comfortable with reading it, you can skip it!

»Man that was a loud breakfast. I wonder why our neighbors didn't complain yet« the other member said, trying to get him to talk.

Han sat down on his bed. »Yeah I guess...« he said. Lee Know searched through a drawer, pulling a bandana out.

»Hey! Look what I found!« He grins, showing it to Han. »A bandana? What is so special about it?« Han asked, looking a bit confused.

Lee Know made the Naruto run, putting on the bandana and runs through the room. Han started to realize what he meant, considering that they watched Naruto together last night.

Lee Know tried to cheer him up with one last try. He pulled Han up from the bed, making the Naruto hand signs. »come on Sasuke! Fight with me!«

Han giggled, pretending to get hit by Lee Knows attack, playfully letting him fall a bit before catching himself.

Han giggled, lightly smiling again. Minho laughed too while he stood in front of him, pressing one hand against the wall behind Han.

»So are you gonna tell me, why you were so upset at the table?« Minho asked, being like 7 inches away from Jisungs nose.

»Did you like Lizz or what?« He joked, smiling gently, trying not to look intimidating. Jisung broke the eye contact they had, looking slightly down at the bottom half of the closet next to him. »Well, kinda...« he said.

Minho looked at him shocked. »What!?« »I mean if she would ask me out, I would say yes. L-look, you know, she is really pretty and such a sweet person. Of course I'm jealous of them. But I'll support them. It's just a crush.« Jisung said to him, looking up to have eye contact again.

»I'll get over it..probably...« he assured Minho. »You like her?« he asked. He still couldn't believe it. »Yes. But I have to move on.« Jisung looked down again.

Minho forced himself out of his rage. »Yes, of course. You know,  many other people would love to go out with you. You just have to look around.« He said.

He relaxed his muscles, what caused him to get even closer to Jisungs face. »I could always help your mind to get of her, you know.« Minho said, lowering his voice and glancing at Han's lips.

Jisung looked nervous, switching to look into Minhos left eye to the right eye and back and forth. He pressed his body against the wall and smiled nervously. »Yes I know that. You're the best friend I've ever had!«

Best friend.

That got Minho into his rage again. He let out a annoyed groan, got away from Jisungs face, put his arm down, turned around and walked a circle, Jisungs eyes on him, while slightly shouting:

»You just don't get it! No matter how obvious I am, no matter how often I send you signals, you just stay as bold as you are.« Minho turned to Jisung, who didn't move an inch.

He aggressively walked towards him while Jisung asked: »W-what signals?« Minho smashed his flat hands into the wall, left and right from Jisungs face, who flinched and squeezed his eyelids. Now Minhos face was inches away from his. »You wanna know?« Minho scoffed.

Jisung opened his eyes and flinched again, shocked on how close Minho has gotten. Minho leaned forwards, closing the small gab between their faces and kissed Jisung.

Now Jisung was even more shocked, but not refusing the kiss. Minhos jaw was doing small movements while Jisung just let it happen. This was the moment Han realized kinda his whole feelings.

Who he really wanted to see every second of his day, for who he really waits everytime he wasn't home, for who he was really excited to talk to, see, hear... After a few small seconds, Minho broke the kiss, way more gently than initiating the kiss, furiously looking in Jisungs wide open eyes.

Then reality kicked him hard and he realized what he has done. His anger on his face faded and he let his arms fall down again. »I- I'm so sorry Ji, I didn't think straight, I never should've done this, I was just so angry I-, that you didn't see my many attempts to flirt with you as a love interest, not as-« he was interrupted by a pair of soft lips touching his.

Minho immediately kissed back, closing his eyes just like Han did. He pulled him closer by the waist, not breaking the kiss. Jisung wrapped his arms around Minhos neck.

Their lips moved in sync, neither of them wanting to break the kiss. Jisung was the first one to break the kiss, catching his breath. He looked into Minhos eyes, smiling softly. Minho smiled aswell, pulling Jisung into a hug.

Blush appeared on his face. »I needed some time to realize what happened, but I don't hate it, not at all.« Jisung spoke softly, a little shy.

Minho pulled away from the hug. »You don't? Are you sure? I mean, do you even like men like that?« Minho asked the blushing boy in his arms. »I don't know, but I like you, hyung.« Jisung answered, placing a little kiss on Minhos lips. »Trust me.« »Okey« Minho nodded.

He held Jisung by his waist, just like he did with his. They stared into each others eyes. Jisung saw so much happiness and relief in Minhos eyes.

»Does this mean we are a thing now?« Minho asked. »I have no problem with that!« Jisung answered, placing another kiss on his new lovers lips.

I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO CRINGE AND BADLY WRITTEN! But I had it in my Notes app where I write my storys offline for so long, before I even started posting here!

I just wanted to include it somehow... I'll make it up to you by posting two Chapters today!

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