The Birthday

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As the first rays of dawn kissed the stone walls of Jerusalem's palace, the Lady Rhia sprang from her bed with a theatrical flourish. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she darted around her chamber, the baby pink fabric of her nightgown swirling around her ankles. Today was no ordinary day—it was King Baldwin IV's birthday.

Rhia was the youngest of the Ladies of Jerusalem, a band of noblewomen who shared a special bond with their king. With her dark brown hair cascading down her back, she was a lively presence, her laughter echoing through the corridors of the palace. As she joined her sisters in the bustling kitchen, she brought with her an air of mischief that never failed to lighten the mood.

In the kitchen of the palace, the other Ladies were already bustling about, each clad in their signature colors. Genevieve, the eldest, exuded wisdom in her flowing black gown, while Nazetta's ruby red dress shimmered as she flitted from task to task. Anastasia's canary yellow gown seemed to glow with warmth as she supervised the palace cooks. "Glad of you to join us," Genevieve remarked, sarcasm dripping in her tone.Rhia responded with blowing a raspberry at Genevieve before tying an apron around her waist. "I can't help it, I was tired!"

"Yes, it must be exhausting being the unpaid court jester!" Nazetta snickered.Anastasia rushed around the kitchen, tasting the ingredients they've prepared so far. "Too much salt, not enough salt... where's the bread?"

Rhia handed Ana a basket of still-warm bread, and inhaled deeply. Her stomach growled, and she went to break off a piece. Her hand was seized by Anastasia. "The King eats first! It has to be perfect." At this, Rhia sighed and continued slaving away on the meal. Together, the Ladies worked in harmony with the palace servants, preparing a feast fit for a king. From dawn until the sun hung high in the sky, they toiled tirelessly, their laughter mingling with the clatter of pots and pans.

At last, the hour of celebration arrived. With the sun rising above the horizon, casting a golden hue over the city, the Ladies gathered around a laden table in the royal chambers. Rhia's heart pounded with excitement as they carried a tray of steaming breakfast delicacies towards Baldwin's door. Quietly, they slipped into the room, their eyes alight with anticipation. Baldwin lay asleep, his face serene beneath the mask that concealed his disfigurement.

"Happy birthday, my king," Genevieve whispered, rousing him from slumber.

Baldwin blinked away the remnants of sleep, his eyes alighting with joy as he beheld his devoted Ladies. With a smile that warmed their hearts, he welcomed them into his presence. "My Ladies," he exclaimed, sitting up in bed. "You are too kind. I- Rhia, you're not even dressed!"

Rhia's face warmed and she looked down as Nazetta playfully hit her on the arm. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I slept in."

"Again?" The smile in his voice was evident, even if it was concealed by his mask.

With laughter and chatter, they gathered around him, sharing stories and gifts. Rhia presented him with a handcrafted book filled with tales of adventure and romance, her eyes sparkling with pride. Anastasia lay her head on the King's stomach. Genevieve cradled the King's head in her lap. Nazetta and Rhia clung to either side of his body.

As the hours slipped by, they lingered in each other's company, basking in the warmth of their shared affection. In that moment, surrounded by the women who filled his life with joy, Baldwin felt truly blessed.

And so, as the stars danced in the velvet sky outside, the Ladies of Jerusalem celebrated their king, their hearts overflowing with affection for the man who had captured their souls.

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