012. Love On Top

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Chapter Twelve, Love On Top

Joe was back bringing Inari's assistant for the day. Something that he agreed to do once a week to bond with Inari. Their counsel thought it was great that they were finding ways to interact with each other.

In her office, while having lunch, Inari tells Joe That every time she tells someone about them trying for a baby that they don't think she should do it because they think that Joe will return to his old ways of being controlling. She said that some people believe that he doesn't have good intentions.

Joe's face fell as he listened to Inari explain how their friends and family doubted his ability to be a good father and husband. He knew his past mistakes had planted seeds of mistrust, but he hoped people could see how hard he was trying to change.

Joe took a deep breath and reassured Inari in a gentle tone that he isn't going around back to his old ways ever again.

He realized that how his actions almost costed him his family and he won't let that ever happen again. The pain and regret Joe felt over his prior controlling behavior was evident in his somber expression.

He told Inari if she feels that everyone has a point then they don't need to have another baby because he doesn't want her carrying doubts about him while pregnant.

Inari gazed at Joe thoughtfully, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. She tells Joe that they will keep trying for a baby and she is proud of him for putting in the hard work in counseling and changing his ways.

Though others doubted, she believed in Joe and knew he would be the wonderful father and husband that he was in the past.

"I'm starting to see we made mistakes talking to everyone but each other about our issues," Joe said.

"Definitely," Inari said.

Joe and Inari had reached a turning point in their relationship. After years of airing their dirty laundry to friends and family, they realized this tendency to overshare was holding them back.

Their loved ones were stuck in the past, rehashing old hurts and grudges, which made it difficult for Joe and Inari to move forward.

So they agreed: from now on, they would confine discussions of their issues to counseling sessions and private conversations with each other. No more complaining to friends about the latest argument or perceived slight. This was a pact based on trust and a shared commitment to progress.

To celebrate this new phase, Joe and Inari attended a meeting to launch a joint business venture - a haircare line they had dreamed up together.

Joe had initially proposed the idea, showcasing a newfound business savvy that impressed Inari.

She was thrilled they would be partners in this, combining their talents and insights to create something special.

"I'm so happy we're doing this together," Inari told Joe with a smile.

"Looks like you really rubbed off on me," Joe replied, taking pride in how much he had grown under Inari's mentorship.

This new endeavor represented everything their relationship could be - supportive, collaborative, and focused on the future.

Later that day, Inari and Joe left the office early on a sunny Friday afternoon, Joe and Inari excitedly drove home to surprise their son Leo with his early eighteenth birthday.

Leo's birthday wasn't until May but Leo had been begging his parents for months to get a traditional Samoan tattoo, known as a tatau, just like the intricate one that adorned his father's strong shoulder, arm, and back.

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