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My wooden door creaked open, revealing a spartan room with a single bed and a wooden chair that looked like it had seen better days.

A tiny kitchenette with a hotplate and a mismatched set of chipped plates sat crammed into the corner. It wasn't fancy, but it wasn't terrible either. A humorless laugh escaped my lips as I plopped down on the bed, the springs groaning in protest.

Here I was, starting a new chapter in this cramped little room, while my whole world seemed to be crumbling around me. What was the point of life anyway? Why did it even exist? And then, the even scarier question: what was death? Why was it always the looming shadow, the inevitable end?

Perhaps death had a sequel? A good sequel no one wasn't aware of? Maybe... Just maybe?

A sharp rap on the door startled me out of my small existential world. "Yes?" I called out, my voice hoarse.

Peeking through the peephole, I saw the landlord standing there, his usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a look of concern. His barely trimmed grey beard, which usually seemed to hold a refreshing air, couldn't quite mask the worry lines etched around his eyes.

"Lexie my child, are you alright?" he asked, his voice softer than usual.

"Everything's great," I mumbled with a forced grin. Nothing was okay. My mom was dying, and I was facing the terrifying prospect of being utterly alone... again.

"That's a relief," he said, his brow furrowing slightly. "Anyway, I just wanted to let you know about the new tenants moving in next door tonight."

New tenants? The news hit me like a physical blow. The idea of having strangers right next to my annoying neighbor was sickening. If not for the thin color-fading wall maintaining my posture, I'd have fallen to the ground.

"But- I thought you weren't planning on renting the new apartments till next semester?" I stammered, my voice barely a whisper.

The landlord chuckled, a sound that seemed oddly out of place given the situation. "Well, plans change, Lexie. Originally, no one wanted the place, so..." He shrugged, the movement deepening the worry lines on his forehead.

A forced smile played on my lips. "Oh, okay then. Thanks for letting me know."

"Oh, and one more thing," he said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a set of keys and dangled them in front of me. "The new tenants will probably arrive late tonight. If they come knocking, could you hand them these?"

I stared at the keys, the weight of them suddenly feeling like a burden. "Sure," I mumbled, taking the keys from his outstretched hand.

"Great! Thanks, Lexie. That's why I put you in charge here! ." His smile shines even harder, patting my shoulders as he leaves. Somehow his warm attitude threatened some new baby sitting duties for his newly tenants.

I sighed, going back in as the door willingly closes behind me. The beaming of my phone showcased 5 ignored missed calls from both my mom and Vee. I just wasn't in the mood to talk... to anyone.

The earthquake shooks the foundation of the room right after my body lands on the squeaky bed.

Waiting for the Alarm to hit 7, I take a light sleep to soften my mind. With alot hitting on my nerves, I just needed a relaxing adventure to divert me from the battle field.

A decent knock on the door awakened me from the nightmare I was facing. My heart hammered against my ribs, mimicking the frantic rhythm of the knocking at the door.  New tenants already?  This couldn't be happening.

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