Chapt - 15 - Amarie

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Minding my own business as i walk towards my office, was pretty creepy, The receptionists kept looking at me,

I think she doesn't like me to be honest, I wouldn't like myself either,

Last week was... Intense, and Pretty unforgettable, it was the second time my stalker had done it,

Its Wednesday today, April 17, 2024.

I walked into the elevator, To see my boss running to it, i guess he's late,

I hold the elevator for him to get inside panting, "Thank you..." He said while his chest heaved,

I bowed my head before i pushed the button to our floor, And... Waited, I hated elevators, But out floor was on top of the building,

The 28th floor, which means, i can't use the stairs,

God, My worst fear was getting stuck in it, I would have the worst panic attack ever,

Which i jinxed, The elevator malfunctioned,

I tried to push the button, But won't even work, Then lights went out, my heart started beating too much,

Instinctively, i would've got my pill, Which i left at my dorm, Fucking shit,

My chest heaved while i felt sweat roll down my face,

My boss turned to look over to me, Trying hard to breath,

"Amarie... Are you okay?" He asks me as he held my back,

I shook my head instantly, And looked to him,
"Can... Can i do somet- thing, i-i promise it won't involve anyting..." He nodded,

I slowly turned to face him and buried my face onto his chest, while my hand wrapped around his waist,

I breathed his scent, he tensed as i did, But placed his hand ontop of my head, and one on my back, Soothing it,

"Mmh..." I mumbled as i kept on breathing, the lights flickered back on, Then it brought us to the top floor,

But my breathing hasn't gone back to normal, Mr, Kingston carried me to his office then settled me on his couch,

"I'll get water, You stay." He told me,

I tried to balance my breathing, "In... Out..." I told to myself while i held the armrest, tight,

Mr, Kingston arrived and gave me the water, Which i drank in one gulp,

I steadied my breathing better, And stood up slowly, My head kept spinning, And spinning, Making my eyesight go dark,

And i ended up falling back down, but i was thankfully catcher by Mr, before i even hit my head on the headrest on the couch,

"Just sit there, And rest .." he told me pointedly, but I couldn't just sit here, i needed to do my work,

"but-" and i was cut off, "No buts, Ill take care of the files, While you just rest there, And please Ms, Garcia, Don't come to work tomorrow."

I looked at him, My head still hurts, And my eyesight was close to pitch black,

I leaned behind to rest my back when i felt a blanket being placed ontop of me, "It'll be cold since the AC is on." He said

He walked back to his desk, While i sat there completely nauseous, And having the most severe headache I've ever got,

My panic attack never got this worse,

But i did,

I held my forehead, Trying to ease the pain, But it wouldn't, And, I tried to stand up again, There. I collapsed in the couch, My sight pitch black,

I fell unconscious.

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