A Clash of Emotions

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A.N: (I've written this chapter from both Manik and Nandini's points of view, hoping that readers will enjoy it and gain a better understanding of their feelings and thoughts.

I worked on this chapter with my friend, @Himakshi04, and I'm really thankful for her help in my story.)


Nandini's heart felt like a tangled mess of emotions as she withdraws to her cabin. The image of Manik with his family lingered in her mind, a constant reminder of what she could never have. She sank onto her chair, feeling the weight of her unrequited love press down on her shoulders.

Why did I let myself fall for him? she murmured, her voice barely audibles as tears streamed down her cheeks. She had been content with her life before Manik, finding solace in her work. But now, every moment seemed fraught with longing and pain.

She paced back and forth in her small space, trying to make sense of her conflicting feelings. On one hand, she yearned to be near Manik, to bask in his presence and share meaningful moments. On the other hand, the reality of his family life and her own unattainable desires weighed heavily on her.

After a few moments of internal struggle, Nandini made a firm decision. "I'll have to ignore him," she resolved, wiping away her tears. "I'll focus on my work and only come to the office once a week for editing and discussions. That way, maybe I can move on from Manik."

With determination in her eyes, Nandini composed herself and headed back to Manik's cabin. She needed to tell him about her decision, to create some distance for her own well-being, even if it meant suppressing her feelings.


As Nandini approached Manik's cabin, the echo of silence greeted her. Prena and Myeesha had already departed.

Nandini: Where are Prena and Myeesha? (She inquired, a trace of disappointment coloring her voice.)

Manik, immersed in his task of organizing files, glanced up and replied casually.

Manik: Myeesha had her swimming class, so they headed off for that.

Detecting a subtle shift in Nandini's demeanor, he paused, concern furrowing his brow. 

Manik: Is everything alright, Nandini? (His gaze, sincere and probing, searched for any hint of distress in her eyes.)

Avoiding direct eye contact, Nandini hesitated before responding.

Nandini: I have some matters to attend to at home, so I'll be working remotely for a while. (Her words hung in the air, tinged with unease as she carefully constructed the half-truth. She knew it wasn't the whole story, but revealing her true feelings about Manik was a territory she wasn't ready to explore.)

Concern etched deeper into Manik's features as he set aside the files, leaning forward with genuine intent. 

Manik: Is there anything I can do to assist? (His offer, laced with gentle determination, sought to ease the weight he sensed on her shoulders.)

Guilt gnawed at her for deceiving him, prompting a swift refusal. 

Nandini: No, it's something I need to figure out on my own. (She asserted, her eyes betraying a whirlwind of emotions she struggled to contain.)

Though skeptical, Manik respected her boundary, nodding in understanding. 

Manik: Alright, but remember, I'm here if you need anything. (His words held a reassuring sincerity.)

Seeking normalcy amidst the emotional whirlwind, Nandini redirected the conversation. 

Nandini: I'll still make it to the office once or twice a week. (She offered, a fragile attempt to maintain routine amidst the turmoil within.)

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