Now That's A Threesome I Would Love To Partake In

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Who said it and who are they referring to?


Muscles. Tattoos. Broad shoulders and dimpled smiles.

These are the magnificently glorious sights that greet me as Jackson's three friends come barreling into the kitchen, all masculine energy and seductive stares. I shiver, musing that hot must attract hot because his buddies are nearly just as sexy as he is.

"Hey, what's up, man?" Jackson greets Brandon, clapping him on the back and clasping his hand in a shake.

Now that is a threesome I would love to partake in, I think, eyeing Brandon's sleeve of black ink spiraling around his arm and his tousled, streaky blonde hair falling in place over his brow. 

I'm practically drooling as I envision him railing me from behind while from the front, Jackson tenderly locks his gaze onto mine and strokes my breasts.

My sights drift over towards his other pals. They aren't bad either, I suppose

Unlike Brandon who met Jackson in high school, Jeremy was first introduced to him at the school for the gifted. He plays guitar, has a killer megawatt smile and is in a happily committed relationship for the past two years. 

And then there is Parker.

Parker is well...unique. His hair is spiked into a magenta mohawk, and he wears a tie with his t-shirt. I would assume that a guy such as himself, plays something akin to the drums but nope, not Parker.

He plays the triangle. Don't ask me how one can be gifted at playing that instrument, if it could even be labeled as that, but Parker is out in the world doing just that.

He catches my eye and gives me a toothy grin. I crinkle up my nose, suddenly feeling self-conscious in the booty shorts and sports bra that I have worn to get Brandon's attention.

Speaking of...I mustn't lose focus on the mission at hand.

I suck in my stomach as I squeeze past him and Jackson to reach into the fridge for a bottle of water, praying that the set of sit-ups I did earlier has somehow transformed my abs into a six pack.

"Hey, Bran Muffin," I say coolly, giving him a nod.

He stares at me with a confused look before twisting his mouth into a grin. "Hey, Sterling Silver," he retorts.

Jackson rolls his eyes at our corniness, but I am squealing on the inside that Brandon is matching my energy. Getting him to notice me will be a piece of cake.

I hop up onto the counter and swing my legs back and forth, making certain that my toes "accidentally" graze his thighs. Then popping off the lid to the water bottle, I wrap my lips suggestively around the opening and suck, my eyes never leaving his.

"So," I begin casually after noticing him gulping. "How was your ride up here? Those roads are a bit bumpy. The jolting around sure can cause a lot of friction."

I slide my gaze briefly over towards Jackson. "It rained when we were driving up here. So, I had a very wet ride just full of bouncing and-"

"Did you get a chance to view the lake yet?" Jackson quickly interrupts, stroking his hand down his chin as he glowers at me.

Brandon shakes his head, reluctantly prying his sights away from my second round of slurping on my beverage. "No, I haven't."

"Watch out for those mosquitos," I warn. "They bite." I give him a wink. "And so do I."

At that, Jackson grabs Brandon aggressively by the arm and hustles him out of the kitchen alongside Jeremy. Parker hangs back and gives me another goofy grin.

My Best Friend's Hot Brother (18+)Where stories live. Discover now