✷ 018: Afterparty.

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HIT ON ME ! by KissLeclerc
October 28, 2023 # "I Can't Help It."

                 AFTER A WHILE, Thalia soon finished changing, which resulted in her and Calvin getting properly escorted out of the show venue, towards a waiting chauffeur sitting upfront as the duo pushed through paparazzi and news reporters that awaited her presence.

The drive to the after-party passed quickly, but Thalia couldn't shake off her nerves, Socializing didn't really feel like the move to her.

Arriving at a private club, the duo was assisted out of the car, soon being accompanied by an escort that led them to the party, where they spotted familiar faces from the earlier event, all rich and famous in their own way, chatting amongst themselves.

"Thalia!" Lily's excited voice cut through the crowd, waving the pair over as soon as she caught sight of them.

"Lily!" Thalia smiled, holding her hands out for the girl to take. "Good to see you!"

"Likewise!" Lily exclaimed. "You did an absolutely fantastic job on that runway."

"Thank you, thank you!" Thalia blushed at her kind words.

"Good work, Thalia!" Alex Albon soon joined the conversation, handing his girlfriend a drink as he had an identical glass in his hands. "You did awesome."

"Thank you, Alex." Thalia said graciously.

"Well, well!" Their little circle was interrupted, Thalia turning around to see Oscar and Lando, with a familiar face she couldn't label a name on.

"Thalia! You rocked it, mate!" Oscar smiled wide as he gave her a simple high five, knowing her boundaries. "Happy to know you enjoyed." She replied.

"Yeah!" Lando joined in the conversation. "Didn't know you could get anymore beautiful." He said with a smirk as Thalia eyed him. "Gross, thanks." She quickly said before tracing her eyesight to another familiar racer beside him.

"I don't believe you've met him properly." Lando quickly jumped to the chance to continue talking to her. "This is George, one of my best mates." He introduced him to her, patting the Mercedes driver's chest proudly.

"Right!" Thalia nodded, "I remember you as the one with big blue eyes." She gave him a brief handshake.

"Ah yes, thank you!" George replied happily.

"It's not a good thing." She added as his facial expression dropped, making Lando, Oscar, and Alex laugh in shock.

"Oh—" He was taken aback.

"Sorry. It scares me..." She admitted while bringing her hands together and briefly cracking her knuckles, Calvin soon coming to her side. "I apologize for her... words." He apologized as Thalia's lips formed a thin line.

"She doesn't think sometimes." He emphasized the "think" by shooting her a glance.

"It's alright." George waved it off. "It scares Lando sometimes too. I get it." He laughed.

"We have something in common!" Lando exclaimed as Thalia gave him a stank face.

"I need a drink." She admitted before grabbing Calvin's hand and excusing herself. "I'll find you in a bit, Lily." She winked at the girl as Alex just allowed the two to subtly flirt with their eyes.

"Slow down, slow down." Calvin haulted Thalia. "Deep breaths babe. Deep." He demonstrated by inhaling. "Breaths." He exhaled.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She insisted.

Hit On Me  ✷  Lando Norris Where stories live. Discover now